Moderator Request Forum
5 years ago

This forum was made to report any runs that seem fake or ask for any rule changes or new catagories. Simply post your request below and we will try to respond as soon as possible.

Whangam и Bogdan_mk нравится это
United States

Adventure categories ex: high score and fastest to 1000m

MinecraftGaming нравится это
São Paulo, Brazil

I send a Speedrun 3 or 4 days ago, still no one saw it

United States

3-4 days is not a long time.

MinecraftGaming нравится это
Ottawa, ON, Canada

Hi my name its OttawaTodd, Im a very active player in the Hill Climb Racing 2 community. I am requesting mod, so I can update the courses for example. A new update comes out I will be there to update it, and add the courses there. I also have a request, there is a mode here that says all the courses, in my opinion that is wrong and unfair, I will tell you why Fingersoft still updates the game regularly and that category makes no sense as there will be some runs there that have some courses missing like for example right now there is a player by the name of Whamman, and he played all the courses right? But since that run many new courses have been added to the game, that makes his run invalid and unfair for the new players who want to do a run like that and to get a approved record they would have to do more courses than the intended run by Whamman. Also I want to submit a request for the adventure maps. (Patchwork plant, Skyrock Outpost, Forest Trials, Intense City, Raging Winter.) As those are also adventure maps too and they should have a chance. If you want more info about my my YouTube Channel is OttawaToddHCR2 and my In game name is OttawaTodd, Team name is Great Nothern. And all of that gives a good reason for me to be mod as I will update the courses and the adventure courses when new ones come out. is the only leaderboard for HCR2 in this kind of way other than the in game leaderboard, and thats why I think It should be more active and updated. And thats my petition to be mod.

Carolinian и Act_ нравится это
Victoria, Australia

That seems fair, I don't think any of us are actively moderating anymore and personally I have no interest in these leaderboards.

Act_ и OttawaTodd нравится это
Iowa, USA

I think He would be a good mod. You should make him one.

Oh_my_gourdness и YUMmy_Bacon5 нравится это
Iowa, USA

I also have 8 runs that haven’t been accepted in about 1 week or more.

Oh_my_gourdness и YUMmy_Bacon5 нравится это
Nottinghamshire, England

Tbh these leaderboards arent really needed anyway ad the game has its own leaderboards

Act_ нравится это
Ottawa, ON, Canada

So can I be mod, or do you need to make any other decisions?

Iowa, USA

I think he should be a mod. He sounds responsible enough to be a mod, and I trust his word.

Oh_my_gourdness, YUMmy_Bacon5 и 2 другие нравится это
Victoria, Australia

Yeah I've messaged the super mod of this game to add you, since I can't do it myself as a regular mod. Also for the record I am also opposed to these leaderboards existing but clearly people like them lol

OttawaTodd нравится это
Ottawa, ON, Canada

Sounds Great @cros107 and thank you @ActuallyElite

Act_ нравится это

@cros107 seems good w/ me too. @YoloMenace001 the idea of this leaderboard is runs w/ proof. Many in game leaderboards are cheated and/or have no way of true verification.

Carolinian, Act_, и OttawaTodd нравится это
Ottawa, ON, Canada

Great sounds good that another mod is in with me being a mod too.

Charlotte, NC, USA

i also agree that the all levels run is obsolete

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Who is the leader mod of this game?

Nottinghamshire, England

@OttawaTodd look at the swords that are next to the mods' names then you will know

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Thanks now I know.

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Hey, right now I kinda forgot about my email and Im locked out of my account @OttawaTodd, and Im not sure what email is used for it I tried to email the website. And yeah so its either that I will have to get mod on this account or If I get back on my main that account for now Im locked out.

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Try to get many cups as fast as it's possible. All the Rules Are already written in "rules" section. also If You not understand something try to watch already speedruned run

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