Harms Way Driver Campaign speedrun guide
Harms Way Driver Campaign speedrun guide
Обновлено 2 years ago от A_pig_that_speedruns

The basics: The bus is the fastest vehicle and has the most armour so would be the best for speedruns.

Try and race as closely to the corners as possible (without clipping the wall, as it will lose speed). Going over bumps in the road should be limited when possible as you don't gain speed in the air and it gives you a bit more control when dodging them.

Each tire hit from a turret loses 1-2 seconds based on where you where hit on the track as this may differ. To my experience this cant be controlled and is mainly RNG. If you get destroyed then any record pace run would possibly be finished and the only way of dodging the bullets from the turrets is to pick up the shield upgrade. This brings me to when you should pick up the shield and when to pick up the boost generally if you are in a exposed area you should pick up a shield. However if you are above quarter of the health bar I would get the boost as the boost generally dodges the bullets better then if you were just driving normally. If you are in the warning zone (your health bar is flashing) you should generally pick up a shield but it is all preference.

boost is picked up from the green canisters that are scattered around the tracks and can be used efficiently by mashing (pressing the button repetitively) the a button you can prolong the effect of the boost for a longer amount of time.

if you are confused or want a video watch my 9:44 run using all the discussed tricks

Navajo Arch (Race 1): RNG: the bridge may crumble on the second lap and will probably halt any world record pace run. To my experience this has a 33% (1/3) chance of happening. It also 100% happens on the 3rd lap if it doesn't happen on the 2nd lap

Lap 1: respawn glitch

Lap 2: respawn glitch possibly do the crumble bridge skip

Lap 3: Bridge crumble skip respawn glitch

Respawn glitch: by driving between the 2 rocks (this is integral other wise your car may flip or stop completely and you wont get enough height up the cliff for the respawn glitch to work) you should drive up the cliff until you reach as far as possible up the cliff (this will take longer then expected) then press the 2 square button (to the right of the Xbox button on your controller) it should then respawn you on the other side of the barrier skipping the long second to last corner. Credit: VyPr for finding the glitch

Bridge crumble skip: On the bridge crumble lap if you drive straight towards the turret on the right side of the track (on the corner just after the second drop down) and jump from the miniature hill on the left side of the turret. This should land you near a green boost cell but if you miss it its ok. On the left there should be a fence with arrows on them. By driving over the little hill at the far end of the fence you will find yourself on the normal road. Then drive towards the turret (it should be to your left or directly in front of you) and jump off the hill to the right of the turret. After that you can drive up the hill and perform the respawn glitch again.

Tiny strategies: When starting you can drive into the tiny divot to the left accelerating quicker (saves 0.5 seconds) When doing the long corner after the first drop down by alternating a left and right steer it prolongs the length of the drift giving you more boost (saves 0.5 seconds)

Desert Bloom (Race 2): RNG: the second boulder group can fall on the second lap this is about 50% chance (1/2) and happens 100% of the time on the third lap. Also the bridge on the final corner may not crumble that could gain about 2 seconds. This to my experience is about 33% chance of happening. It will happen 100% of the time on the third lap

Extra: The first boulder group will only fall on the third lap and will fall 100% of the time. This creates a pretty hard chicane that I recommend doing slowly (by the way the car doesn't turn unless your accelerating so you may need to feather (lightly tap when needed to turn) the acceleration button to get through). The first turn is hard to see as your going over a hill so I generally follow the road pattern on the ground until I can see the corner.

Lap 1: barrier skip

Lap 2: barrier skip potential crumble skip

Lap 3: barrier skip crumble skip chicane created from 1st boulder group falling

Barrier skip: This will be performed on the first corner of the track and by driving into the rocky wall you can drive on the small ledge to the left of the barrier and drive over it to skip the barrier. This can save up to 5 seconds if done perfectly over the intended route but you normally will only save 2 or 3 seconds. If you want to get it perfectly you may have to attempt it yourself and get a feel for it.

crumble skip: This will be performed on the last corner of the race just before the short jump on the 2nd or 3rd lap. on the right side of the bridge is a wooden ramp that can launch you over the debris. You don't need boost to clear the debris and is relatively easy to drive over. Make sure you don't hold left when jumping as you may flip on your head.

Wasteland (Race 3) RNG: None :) (as far as I know)

Lap 1: 1st barrier skip 2nd barrier skip

Lap 2: 1st barrier skip 2nd barrier skip

Lap 3: 1st barrier skip 2nd barrier skip on the final lap the bridge drops. Just follow the intended path here (there is a boost barrel in the pipe if you want to be risky)

1st barrier skip: By driving through the gap to the right of the barrels and waiting till you land, you can hit the 2 square button and respawn in the barrier skip and you can drive forward collecting the 2 boost barrels and driving off the cliff. The respawn timing and spot where to respawn is king of scuffed but it becomes more consistent the further right you respawn.

2nd barrier skip: By driving against the wall and hitting the rock that juts out a bit you can fly over the barrier skipping it. As you do it make sure you don't move the driving stick as you may turn hitting the rock on the wall flipping your car on its head. This is pretty precise so you may need to practise it. You don't need to boost into the wall so it gives you more control when you don't.

Example run:

Credits: A_pig_that_speedruns (me): made this VyPr: helping create strategies and great runner. Alecoes1: being a great mod

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