Is fusionfix allowed for speedruns?
6 months ago
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Hi all, i checked the rules they do say no mods (xliveless & downgrading is allowed) however I've seen some say that use of dxvk is valid and other stuff as well. Is the use of fusionfix valid for a run or is that considered an invalidating mod. Thanks :)

no it's not allowed, and there's literally no reason to use anything other than xliveless

dxvk will make your loads 25 min long; it's "not disallowed" since it's technically "not a mod" (?)

the recommended downgrader is pinned in gta4 channel in discord, using the one from modding sites might lead to more mods in your installation, such as xliveless asi version which crashes the game when vidwarping

idk what you mean by "the other stuff"

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