POLL CLOSED: Individual Levels
отHello everyone! I've created a poll, which is open to all runners to see if the community would like to have individual levels. If you have any questions or suggestions for the ILs comment below and I'll make sure to read all of them. The poll is now closed will close on December 6th 12 PM (Noon) EST.
Note that using a VPN will not allow you to vote so make sure you don't have one enabled and you should be able to vote!
Vote here! You can view the the results here
- Q: How would Individual Levels (ILs) work?
- A: There would be individual levels for each saferoom starting from Saferoom 0 going to Saferoom 5 (the final room where new entities are introduced).
New Rule Due to Current Community Drama
for all top 5 runs in any category from this announcement onward, you are required to use the fflag below:
"FStringDebugShowFlagState": "DFIntMaxAltitudePDStickHipHeightPercent"
failure to abide by this rule will result in an instant rejection. thanks for your cooperation.
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