With the discovery of a big skip that saves over 10 minutes in the beginning of the game, the Svartalfheim% NG+ category has a new Standard Glitchless subcategory, for those that don't want to perform this glitch. Since this skip is only possible on NG+, the non-NG+ Svartalfheim category is unchanged.
A new skip has also been found on the Valhalla dlc, allowing you to skip the first Týr fight. Since the current Valhalla category is glitchless, a new Valhalla Any% category has been created in the category extensions board. You can find it here: https://speedrun.com/gowce
With the release of the PC version, PC has been added as a platform. PC runs will use the IGT plugin for LiveSplit created by Dobrido, this way you can see the IGT directly on LiveSplit and will not need to open the load menu at the end of the run to check your time. The IGT plugin