Trophy and Icon images not updating.
4 years ago
California, USA
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
4 years ago

When uploading new images for trophies and game icons, they save successfully, but the leaderboard continues to use the old icons. This persisted even after deleting the new icon (which successfully reverted to the default icon), and re-uploading the new icon.

Leaderboards tested were /nms, /driver_you_are_the_wheelman_gbc and /mib_ts

Отредактировано пользователем автор 4 years ago
Ohio, USA

Icons tend to suffer from getting cached and not really updating until you do a refresh with cache (Ctrl + F5). Alternately, can you show the examples of the old one and the new one so someone like me who doesn't have those icons cached can check?

Shiinyu нравится это

It's not cache related, people even tested with different computers, those icons could take several hours to update, but they will eventually.

Shiinyu нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USA

yeah this is happening for me right now, so I guess I'll just wait a bit


good post


They will be updated within a few days, max.

sr.c moment