Any Anime Fans Here?
4 years ago
North Carolina, USA

I LOVE anime so much. It's my most favorite thing in the world. I personally love anime with powers and long epic fights more. A lot of anime I watch is action oriented. I watch normal comedic anime sometimes, and there are rare moments where I do watch borderline hentai like kiss x sis and yosuga no sora. My top 5 favorite anime of all time is B Gata H Kei, Freezing, Hundred, Absolute Duo and Keijo. What are some anime you love?

TwitterLover и Zavlon7 нравится это

Weeb. @Liv is a weeb too.

Secretely I'm also a weeb.. but I couldn't get past the third episode of Violet Evergarden. Insane emotions. I really need to get back to that anime.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 4 years ago
Zavlon7, Lyren и 2 другие нравится это
European Union

Lv. 24 Weeb here,

I like action stuff like JOJO's, Fate & One Punch Man, but my top stuff is either complete bullocks like Sky Girls, and tear jerkers like Angel Beats.

(I'm not opposed to watching great stuff Like Death Note, *gatari & No Game No Life though)

Pat_Speedruns нравится это
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


, Zanum и 8 другие нравится это

Ghost in the Shell and Kino's Journey are more to my liking.

Tenka, Krayzar, и HowDenKing нравится это

I am not a big fan but I like to watch it from time to time. My favorites are Nana and Baka to Test for sure.

RetroPacman и HowDenKing нравится это

I like Relative Worlds, it's so amazing and it mkes people think about life they are leading. It's very presious philosophy for me....

HowDenKing нравится это
United States

I'm a bit of a hipster when it comes to anime I feel like, but here's my favorites... maybe someone will find one of these interesting:

Ergo Proxy - The atmosphere is delightfully dark, and the story is thought provoking. Every time I watch it, I notice something new.

Serial Experiments Lain - A work so dense I wrote a college paper on it. It hit upon a lot of modern technological anxieties before they even existed.

Big O - Okay, so what if Batman's mask was a giant robot, and all the giant robots were a metaphor? Also, a perfect blend of gothic and art deco styled visuals.

Cybersix - This is a stretch considering it was a Canadian/US adaptation of a very mature (and sometimes off-putting) Argentinian comic that somehow got green lit as a Saturday morning kids cartoon, but it was animated in Japan I believe. It's a relatively faithful adaption that fixes a lot of problems with the source material too. It was unfortunately cancelled after only a single season, but it was way ahead of it's time in a lot of ways.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 4 years ago
soru и HowDenKing нравится это

kaiba, hakumei to mikochi, flying witch, kuma miko, in this corner of the world, moomin (1990-1991 run)

HowDenKing нравится это

I'm not a big anime fan/weeb, but I do use VoHiYo sometimes


Code geass is a masterpiece

Arkansas, USA

I enjoy quite a few series here and there, though, not a whole lot of recent stuff has appealed to me. I enjoyed Kaguya-Sama: Love is War somewhat, which is the most recent series I've watched.

For the most part, I stick to Science Fiction and Mecha series, though. Stuff like Yamato, Harlock, Gundam, Trigun, so on, all of that is stuff I can always sit down and enjoy if I want.

Pennsylvania, USA

Nah my pal always tried to make me watch some over his house while drinking i would just get drunk till i didn't care lol

Отредактировано пользователем автор 4 years ago

Dragonball is probably one of my absolute favorites.

Zavlon7 нравится это

I don't like any TV Series, I don't like any anime but one, and thus I basically watch nothing of TV related stuff, movies included. The only anime, or any series, that will forever hold a special place in my heart is Dragon Ball. (:

(I actually have a tab open on a fanfiction of Dragon Ball about "what if Goku fell down Snake Way and met his family down there (Raditz, Gine & Bardock; of course he already "knows" Raditz at that point)", currently at about chapter 15 in the Namek Saga, pretty decent fanfic with a couple grammar & spelling mistakes sadly, and over 300 words I have written down as "words I have never heard of OR words that I know what it means, but can't explain it in my own words" (most words fell under the first category, the fanfic uses a lot of ... strange words. But if it helps me improve my English vocabulary, then whatever lol.)

Fanfics aside, I always found Dragon Ball to be stupid and for weirdos until one day, I decided I wanted to watch it when I randomly came across a trailer for a DB game (probably raging blasts 2) a few years ago. I watched 7 episodes the first day, the second day I watched about 30+ episodes. Guess I was really captivated by it. I've never managed a day where I watched 30+ episodes again since then, but I quickly loved it and now I love Dragon Ball a lot lol. Fast forward a few years, having watched both dub and sub of all 4 DB (except DBS dubbed) (and no DBZK), plus of course having seen DBZA many times, plus literally reading fanfic less than an hour ago. I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that I love the anime.

I also tried to watch Kiniro Mosaic because ayaya. yeah... I don't think I'll be into other animes any time soon, but of what I watched it was nice I guess. Just don't want to force myself to watch the rest (only watched 3 episodes), this style of anime is definitely not for me. I also tried watching Pokémon back before I was into DBZ, but couldn't make it past ep 10.

On another note, DBZ has helped me improve my English a lot. Also this is a long post, bye now (:

TL;DR favourite anime is Dragon Ball as a whole (Also DB > DBZ > DBS > DBGT, not going to rank DBZA because it is a parody and also 20 years after DBZ was released, giving them an unfair advantage, though the comedy is usually pure gold; if I had to rank it, though, I'd put it between DB and DBZ. Nothing, absolutely nothing will ever beat original DB.)


I don’t really give myself time to watch anime now, but most of the shows and movies I used to watch were basically quote “normie shit”. XD

kepuxuqy нравится это
United States

major anime and manga fan here! Heyo! I like a lot of genres, but I especially like psychological horror, slice-of-life, and dark fantasy; though I like series of pretty much any genre

syuseo нравится это

depends on the anime really. More of a manga reader, but lately been having no time for either of that

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Captain Tsubasa (1983)

I used to love it so much, also watched the 2001 and 2018 remakes. Currently rewatching the 1983 series once again because nostalgia.

New York, USA

I mostly like animes like dintf and saki k. Saki k was actuallu the first anime I ever watched.