These sorts of usernames should be filtered
1 year ago

Hey, users that have been banned and have incredibly racist usernames like these should have these usernames completely hidden from the forums.

The fact that these sorts of usernames can still appear after being banned, in this case even in multiple threads in a public forum is concerning.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 1 year ago
jackzfiml, Ivory, и Merl_ нравится это

it seems their username was changed to "SRCAccount1234567890" but their info box description about me thingie still is filled with the "n-word"

jackzfiml, Ivory и 2 другие нравится это

I checked the profile too, and well it's info box is indeed filled with the n- word... 🤐

Let's just assume that profile will drown in obscurity, maybe...


The site should really start filtering these sorts words on a site-wide level or at minimum ensure that banned accounts with these sorts of words in them are no longer displayed anywhere publicly (Leaderboard, Forum, Search bar etc.).

Renaming accounts is also not a very practical solution. Taking this user as an example.. there's still a ton of n-word in their bio. Probably want to wonder why its even possible to write that in your bio in the first place.

The account creation also doesn't seem to combat these sorts of usernames very well.. This one slipped the net and I wonder how since using an l as an i is just one of the obvious things you'd include in a word filter..

Ivory, jackzfiml, и Merl_ нравится это
New Jersey, USA

Just as a small update, the devs were notified of this. It seems the users are using an L instead of an i, which is the reason they bypassed the filter. This should be fixed shortly (if it's not fixed already).

If there's any other unacceptable language or slurs being used in usernames or ways people are getting around it, please submit a feedback support ticket - it's the fastest and most surefire way we will see it.

Ivory, Daravae и 4 другие нравится это

The filter applies only for names? Can we have a filter for forums also?

I mean they're just trollers its should not be hard to filter bypasses