(Somebody let me know if this post is in the wrong place)
Hey there, so I'm Eli, and I'm not a speedrunner, but I made a game called Not the Robots.
It's a roguelike-style game with a focus on pacifist-stealth-action. Instead of backstabbing guards and jumping off of roofs, this is a game about eating furniture. You have to eat a certain amount of the cover in each level before you're allowed to win.
The game's normally $10, but I'm interested in getting the speedrun community involved in the game because I think it has really compelling high-level play. It's a roguelike, so it's got a lot of random generation going on, but careful consideration has been taken to try and make the results are consistent, controllable, and fair as possible.
It's definitely a challenging game, though.
If you send me a PM or an email to my username at gmail, I'll give you a free Steam key (the email is going to be the easier way to reach me, since I'm not a regular user around here).
Hey Eli
Nice funny looking game you made with a wierd goal.
Im wondering about something, on some of the steam screenshots there is a number in the right top corner, is that a timer that you can be turned on an off to see how long the level has taken or is it a countdown timer for some of the levels?
btw the PM system isnt ready yet so everyone that would like the game has to email you.
Very cool game ! Thanks for the game :D gonna run the game asap @Trollbear666 : the timer is avaible in challenge mode, where u have to finish 1 level the faster u can ^^
Yup, n3r0t's got it - the main Campaign run (12 levels+finale) doesn't have a built in timer, but the Challenge levels (20 single-level courses with fixed wall layouts and enemy sets, and procedural placement for other less sensitive content) all have the timer, and they track your best times locally. There's no built-in way to add up your total times for all of the Challenges at this point, but that could be a potential patch if people are interested in competing by that metric.
those Challenge levels sounds nice for speedrunning. that adding up and IL timer tracking sounds like a nice feature if it picks up. maybe a few challenge level packs (like the cups in mario kart games) in the future would also be something so there is more to compete over.
There are a few other game modes, too, including a Custom mode, which lets you make your own Challenge levels. You pick the wall layouts, tweak some level generation settings, and pick sets of enemies/items/special rules, and then it still generates some amount of the level (particularly, the furniture placement) procedurally, so you keep the "permadeath" element intact.
...Also what does "IL timer tracking" mean?
Yeah, just two from here - I did a similar thread on reddit where 20-30 people got keys so far. There's also a bunch of extra info about the game in the comments