Any% Normal/Classic Speedrun Notes
Any% Normal/Classic Speedrun Notes
Обновлено 8 years ago от indykenobi

Fire Emblem: Awakening

Any% Normal/Classic Speedrun

These route notes were written by indykenobi. However, many others contributed, particularly Gyups, who wrote up most of these notes the first time. I've merely transcribed them. Gwimpage contributed a couple strats, particularly Ch. 17 2 turn and Ch. 24 2 turn, which are both amazing.

Avatar Creation:

  • Female
  • Asset: Mag
  • Flaw: Def

Avatar Plan:

  • S support with Chrom for Dual Guard
  • Level 20 Tactician by end of Ch. 6
  • Second Seal to Pegasus Knight before Ch. 7
  • Level 10 Pegasus Knight during Ch. 8
  • Master Seal to Dark Flier during Ch. 8
  • Learn Galeforce during chapter 13
  • Level 20 Dark Flier
    • Need 42 Mag at level 20
  • Average finishing stats for this plan (including item boosts):
    • 65 HP, 32 Str, 39 Mag, 35 Skl, 39 Spd, 30 Lck, 22 Def, 26 Res

General Inventory Notes:

  • Unless otherwise stated, keep magic (non-dark) tomes above all else
  • Keep Elixirs as long as you can send a non-tome to Convoy
  • Keep and use Stat Up items (Dracoshield, Secret Book, etc.)
  • All other items can be sent to Convoy
  • In particular, send Bullions to Convoy so you can sell them later

Chapter Strategies:

Premonition - Invisible Ties

Turns: 2-3 Used: Chrom and Avatar


  • Options
    • Combat Animation to OFF
    • Other Animation to OFF
    • Game Speed to FAST
    • Skip Actions to ALL
    • Slide Guide to OFF
    • Confirm Auto to NO
  • Auto Options
    • Set to Blitz
  • Auto Battle (Auto)

T2: - Auto (need crit/Dual Strike (DS)) T3: - Auto (if no crit/DS)

Prologue - The Verge of History

Turns: 4 Used: Chrom, Avatar


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Auto T2:
  • Auto Options
    • Set to Custom
      • Set Avatar to Blitz
      • Leave the rest Off
  • Auto T3: - Auto T4: - Auto ¤¤ Avatar to Lvl 3; need 6 Spd

Ch. 1 - Unwanted Change

Turns: 2-3 Used: Chrom, Avatar


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move 3D, 2L
    • Attack Fighter 1D,1R
  • End T2:
  • Move 2L, 2D onto trees
    • Attack Fighter 1R
  • End T3: (if needed)
  • Auto

Ch. 2 - Shepherds

Turns: 4-5 Used: Chrom, Avatar, Frederick


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 5U
    • Attack Fighter 2R ¤¤ Avatar to lvl 7; need 9 Spd
  • End Turn T2:
  • Move Avatar 5U
  • Trade with Chrom
    • Bronze Sword for Vulnerary
  • Use Vulnerary
  • Lx2 to Frederick
  • Kill Myrmidon attacking Lissa
  • End Turn T3:
  • Move Avatar 3U
  • Heal with Vulnerary
  • End Turn T4:
  • Move Avatar 3U
  • Heal with Vulnerary
  • End Turn

Ch. 3 - Warrior Realm

Turns: 5 Used: Chrom, Avatar


  • Chrom supports Avatar to C
  • In Avatar's inventory:
    • Move all but Thunder to convoy
    • Take Virion's Elixir
    • Take Miriel's Fire
  • Start the Battle


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move 1 space left of Kellam
    • Switch to Chrom
    • Talk to Kellam
    • Switch to Avatar
    • Wait
  • End Turn T2:
  • Move Avatar 2L, 3U
  • End Turn T3:
  • Move Avatar to Door and open
  • End Turn T4:
  • Move Avatar 2N, 3E
    • Heal with Elixir
  • End Turn T5:
  • Auto (should attack Boss) ¤¤ Avatar to lvl 12; need 12+ Spd, 15+ Mag for best Marth fight

Ch. 4 - Two Falchions

Turns: 3-4 Used: Chrom, Avatar


  • Deselect all allies
  • Start the Battle


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 5U and Wait T2:
  • Move Avatar 1R, 1U T3: -- If Marth is dead: ------
  • Move Avatar 4U
    • Use Elixir -- If Marth is not dead --
  • Move Avatar 1L, 4U
    • Use Elixir T4: (if needed)
  • Auto to kill Marth

Ch. 5 - The Exalt and the King

Turns: 4 Used: Chrom, Avatar, Lon'qu, Frederick


  • Chrom supports Avatar to B
  • Deselect all except Frederick, Lon'qu
    • In Frederick's Inventory
      • Take Kellam's Javelin
    • Start the Battle


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 1R, 4U
    • Attack Fighter 1U
  • L to Lon'qu
  • Pair Lon'qu to Frederick
  • Move Frederick 5L, 3U
    • Attack Fighter 2L with Javelin
  • L to Ricken
  • Pair Ricken to Maribelle
  • Move Maribelle 2L, 4D T2:
  • Move Avatar 2U, 2L and Wait
  • L to Frederick
  • Move Frederick 3R, 1U
    • Equip Silver Lance
    • Wait
  • End Turn T3:
  • Move Avatar 2L, 2U and Wait
  • L to Frederick
  • Move Frederick 2U and Wait
  • L to Maribelle
  • Move Maribelle 2D of Frederick and Wait T4:
  • Move Avatar 4U and Wait
  • Move Frederick 4U, 3R and Wait
  • End Turn

Ch. 6 - Foreseer

Turns: 4 Used: Chrom, Avatar, Lon'qu, Frederick, Ricken


  • Deselect unused allies
  • View Map
    • Swap Ricken with Avatar
    • Start the Battle


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 4L, 1D and Wait
  • L to Lon'qu
  • Pair Lon'qu to Frederick
  • Move Frederick 4R, 3D
    • Attack Fighter 1D
  • End Turn T2:
  • Move Avatar as far D as possible and Wait
  • L to Frederick
  • Move Frederick 1D
    • Attack Fighter 1D
  • L to Ricken
  • Pair Ricken with Panne
  • Move Panne 5D, 1R and Wait T3:
  • Move Avatar as far D as possible and Wait
  • L to Frederick
  • Move Frederick 1D
    • Attack Mage 1D
  • L to Panne
  • Move Panne 3R, 1D
    • Attack Thief 1U T4: --- If Fighter is next to Marth ---
  • L to Frederick
  • Move Frederick 4R, 2U
    • Attack Fighter 1L

  • L to Panne
  • Move Panne 4R
    • Attack Mage 1D
  • Auto T5: (if needed)
  • Auto ¤¤ Avatar should hit lvl 20

Ch. 7 - Incursion

Turns: 4-5 Used: Chrom, Avatar


  • Chrom supports Avatar to A
  • Deselect all allies
    • In Avatar's inventory
      • Trade non-Tome/Elixir for Bronze Lance
      • Use Second Seal
        • Reclass to Pegasus Knight
    • Start the Battle

¤¤ You have one extra turn to spare in this battle. You can use it to heal if needed. ¤¤ If you don't finish before turn 5, reinforcements appear on the left. Avoid this!


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 5R, 1D
    • Attack Archer 1U T2: ¤¤ You can heal here if needed and delay this turn
  • Move Avatar 3U, 4R
    • Attack Archer 1U
    • Pray T3:
  • Kill Archer while as far R as possible Ideally:
  • Move Avatar 3R
    • Attack Archer 1L
  • L to Cordelia
  • Move Cordelia 5U, 2R and Wait T4: ¤¤ You can heal here if needed and delay this turn
  • Kill Hand Axe Fighter with Avatar
    • If needed, can heal with Concoction
  • L to Cordelia
  • Attack Wyvern Rider with Steel Lance T5: (if needed)
  • Auto

Ch. 8 - The Grimleal

Turns: 5 Used: Chrom, Avatar


  • Deselect all allies
    • In Avatar's inventory
      • Trade Bronze Lance for CORDELIA'S Javelin
    • Start the Battle


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 4D, 1L
    • Attack Fighter 1U,1L
  • Lx2 to Gregor
  • Pair Gregor to Nowi
  • Move Nowi 4U, 1R and Wait T2:
  • Move Avatar 7D and Wait
  • L to Nowi
  • Move Nowi as far U as possible and Wait T3:
  • Move Avatar 3L
    • Visit village for Master Seal
  • L to Nowi
  • Movi Nowi as far U as possible and Wait T4:
  • Move Avatar 3D, 3R and Wait
  • End Turn ¤¤ Avatar to Level 10 T5:
  • Move Avatar 4D, 3R
    • Use Master Seal
      • Reclass to Dark Flier
  • End Turn

Ch. 9 - Emmeryn

Turns: 3-4 Used: Chrom, Avatar, Fred, Nowi


  • Chrom supports Avatar to S (mawwaige)
  • Deselect unused allies
  • View map
    • Move Frederick 1D of Chrom
    • Start the battle


  • Pair Chrom to Nowi
  • Move Nowi 2L and Wait
  • L to Fred
  • Pair Fred to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 2R, 7D and Wait T2:
  • L to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 3D, 6R
    • Kill Archer 1U, 1R
  • End Turn T3:
  • Auto
    • Send Energy Drop to Convoy T4 (if needed): Auto

Ch. 10 - Renewal

Turns: 4 Used: Chrom, Avatar Music: Awesome


  • Deselect all allies
  • In Chrom's Inventory
    • Unequip Falchion (this disables Dual Support to avoid Chrom leveling up)
    • Start the Battle


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 8L
    • Use Dracoshield T2:
  • Move Avatar 7L
    • Attack Thief 1D,1L T3:
  • Move Avatar 8U
    • Use Seraph Robe T4:
  • Auto

Ch. 11 - Mad King Gangrel

Turns: 4 Used: Chrom, Avatar


  • Deselect all allies
    • Start the Battle


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 3D, 1R
  • L to Olivia
  • Move Olivia 1L, 4D
    • Dance for Avatar 1D
  • Move Avatar 8D and Wait T2:
  • Move Avatar 4D, 3L
    • Use Spirit Dust
  • End Turn T3:
  • Move Avatar 5L, 3U and Wait
  • End Turn T4:
  • Auto

Ch. 12 - The Seacomers

Turns: 4 Used: Chrom, Avatar


  • Deselect all allies
    • Start the Battle


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 6U and Wait
  • L to Cherche
  • Move Cherche 7R
    • Equip Hammer
    • Wait T2:
  • Move Avatar 8U and Wait
  • L to Cherche
  • Move Cherche 7U and Wait T3:
  • Move Avatar 4L, 4D and Wait
  • L to Cherche
  • Move Cherche 7U and Wait T4:
  • Move Avatar 2D, 1R and Wait
  • L to Cherche
  • Move Cherche 3L
    • Attack Knight 1D

Ch. 13 - Of Sacred Blood

Turns: 2 Used: Chrom, Avatar


  • Deselect all allies
    • Start the Battle

¤¤ If the Avatar doesn't start this chapter at Level 14 with at least 14 XP, you need to kill extra enemies to level to 15 for Galeforce. If you have level 14, 14+ XP, this strat will work fine.


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 7U and Wait
  • End Turn T2:
  • Auto

Ch. 14 - Flames on the Blue

Turns: 1 Used: Everyone

Preparations: Start the Battle


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 5L
    • Attack Mage 1L
    • Learn Galeforce (unlearn Rally Movement)
    • Galeforce activates
  • Move Avatar 1L
    • Attack General 1U, 1L

Ch. 15 - Smoldering Resistance

Turns: 4 Used: Chrom, Avatar, Frederick, Cherche


  • Deselect unused allies
    • In Avatar's inventory
      • Use Secret Book
      • Store all except:
        • Elthunder
        • Elixir x3
      • Take Elfire, Elwind
  • View Map
    • Move Cherche 2L of Chrom
    • Start the Battle


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 3R, 2U
    • Attack General 1D,1R WITH ELWIND
    • Galeforce
  • Move Avatar 5L, 3U and Wait
  • Lx2 to Frederick
  • Pair Frederick to Cherche
  • Move Cherche 3R and Wait T2:
  • Move Avatar 2U, 6L
    • Attack Cavalier 1U,1L
    • Galeforce
  • Move Avatar 2D, 2L
    • Attack Cavalier 2U
  • L to Cherche
  • Move Cherche 8U
    • Attack Knight 1U T3:
  • Move Avatar 3D, 2L
    • Attack Farber 2L
    • Galeforce
  • Move Avatar 5D, 3R and Wait
  • L to Cherche
  • Move Cherche 1U, 1L
    • Attack Knight 1U T4:
  • Auto

Ch. 16 - Naga's Voice

Turns: 1 Used: Everyone


  • View Map
    • Swap Henry and Olivia
    • Start the Battle


  • Pair FREDERICK to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 3R, 5U and Wait
  • Move Olivia 5U
    • Dance for Avatar
  • Move Avatar 9U
    • Attack Fighter 1D, 1L WITH ELFIRE
    • Galeforce
  • Move Avatar 8U
    • Attack Cervantes 2R

Ch. 17 - Inexorable Death

Turns: 2 Used: Chrom, Avatar, Frederick


  • Deselect unused allies
    • Start the Battle


  • Move Chrom 1D, 1L and Wait
  • Pair Frederick to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 4U, 5L
    • Attack Valkyrie 1U, 1L
    • Galeforce
  • Move Avatar 4U, 3R and Wait ¤¤ Avatar should level to 20 during Enemy Phase ¤¤ You MUST have 38 or more Mag or Grima will be near impossible ¤¤ If you don't have 38 or more, you'll Second Seal to Dark Flier again later. T2: ¤¤ Key to this turn is Avatar's Mag: ¤ With 40 or less Mag, attack the Hero with Arcthunder ¤ With 41 Mag, attack the Hero with Elthunder ¤ With 42 or more Mag, attack the Hero with Elfire. ¤¤ This gives you enough damage to kill Pheros, but gives you the best chance to hit. ¤¤ If you fail to kill Pheros, her minions will kill Frederick.
  • L to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 6U, 1R
    • Attack Hero 2R WITH CORRECT TOME (see above)
    • Galeforce
  • Move Avatar 5U, 2R
    • Switch to Frederick
    • Separate Avatar 1U
  • End Turn

Ch. 18 - Sibling Blades

Turns: 1 Used: Everyone


  • View Map
    • Arrange as follows around Chrom (X): Frederick Olivia X Avatar Cherche
    • Start the Battle


  • Pair FREDERICK to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 2R, 7D and Wait
  • L to Cherche
  • Pair Olivia to Cherche
  • Move Cherche 6D
    • Switch to Olivia
    • Dance for Avatar 1D
  • Move Avatar 9D
    • Attack Paladin 1L
    • Galeforce
  • Move Avatar 6D, 1L
    • Attack Yen'fay 1D

Ch. 19 - The Conqueror

Turns: 1 Used: Everyone


  • View Map
    • Swap Cherche and Olivia
    • Start the Battle


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 5U, 1L and Wait
  • Move Olivia 5U
    • Dance for Avatar 1U
  • Move Avatar 7U
    • Attack Paladin 1U
    • Galeforce
  • Move Avatar 4U, 1R
    • Attack Walhart 1U, 1R

Ch. 20 - The Sword or the Knee

Turns: 2 Used: Chrom, Avatar


  • Deselect all allies
    • Start the Battle


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 1R, 7U
    • Attack Cervantes 1U
    • Galeforce
  • Move Avatar 7U
    • Use Dracoshield T2:
  • Move Avatar 8U and Wait
    • Heal with Elixir if needed

¤¤ If you have 38-41 Mag, stop at the store at Ylisstol (Ch.6, where Chrom starts on the map) ¤¤ Buy a Magic Tonic for the Grima fight later.

Ch. 21 - Five Gemstones

Turns: 2 Used: Chrom, Avatar, Frederick, Say'ri


  • Deselect unused allies
  • View Map
    • Move Avatar 2D of Chrom
    • Start Battle


  • Pair Chrom to SAY'RI
  • Move Say'ri 1U, 1R and Wait
  • Pair Frederick to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 4D, 5L
    • Attack Assassin 2D
    • Galeforce
  • Move Avatar 5D, 4R
    • Attack Assassin 1U, 1R T2:
  • Heal Say'ri if needed
  • L to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 5D, 1R
    • Attack Beserker 2L
    • Galeforce
  • Move Avatar 3D, 2L and Wait
  • End Turn

¤¤ If you are low on Tome uses here, you may need to buy an Arcthunder at the store here.

Ch. 22 - An Ill Presage

Turns: 1 Used: Everyone


  • View Map
    • Move Olivia 2R of Avatar
    • Start the Battle


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 6U, 2R and Wait
  • Cursor 6D to Olivia
  • Move Olivia 5U
    • Dance for Avatar 1U
  • Move Avatar 8U
    • Attack Lepus 1U,1R
    • Galeforce
  • Auto

Ch. 23 - Invisible Ties

Turns: 4 Used: Chrom, Avatar


  • Deselect all allies
    • Start the Battle


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Auto T2:
  • Move Avatar 3D, 2R
    • Attack Validar 2U
    • Galeforce
  • Skip cutscenes
  • Move Avatar 8D
    • Use Goddess Icon
  • L to Basilio
  • Pair Basilio to Flavia
  • Move Flavia 3U, 1L and Wait T3:
  • Move Avatar 4D, 3L
    • Attack Sage 1D, 1L
    • Galeforce
  • Move Avatar 4R, 3U (ish)
    • Attack one of two assassins there
  • End Turn T4:
  • Move Avatar 5R
    • Attack Hero 2L
    • Galeforce
  • Move Avatar 2R, 3D and Wait
    • Heal with Elixir if needed
  • End Turn

Ch. 24 - Awakening

Turns: 2-3 Used: Chrom, Avatar, Flavia, Basilio


  • Deselect unused allies --- Safe Strat ---
    • In Flavia's Inventory
      • Use Energy Drop ¤¤ If Avatar has 37 or less Mag
      • Use Second Seal on Avatar to Dark Flier

  • View Map
    • Move Avatar 2R, 1D of Chrom
    • Start the Battle


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 4R, 4D
    • Attack Paladin 2D
    • Galeforce
  • Move Avatar 6R
    • Use Talisman
  • Lx2 to Flavia
  • Pair Flavia to Basilio
  • Switch to Flavia
  • Trade with Basilio
    • Silver Sword for Silver Axe
  • Wait T2:
  • Move Avatar 6U
    • Attack Great Knight 1R, 1U
    • Galeforce
  • Move Avatar 4R, 3D and Wait
  • L to Flavia
  • Move Flavia 1U, 2R
    • Attack Bow Knight 1R T3: (if needed)
  • Have Flavia Kill:
    • Spear Wielder first
    • Anyone else second
  • End Turn (DO NOT AUTO)

After Ch. 24 - Shop


  • From Convoy
    • Large Bullion x 2
  • From Avatar
    • At least two items (need 23100 G)
    • Keep Thoron and Elixir at least Forge:
  • Avatar's Thoron:
  • If Avatar at 40+ Mag
    • 3xMt, 5xCrit
  • If Avatar at 38-39 Mag
    • 5xMt, 3xCrit
  • If Avatar at 37 or less Mag
    • Cry (and do 3xMt, 5xCrit) Leave Shop

¤¤ As a safe(ish) strat, do this at the Border Sands (Ch. 8) shop, and buy all three stat tonics there ¤¤ Can optionally buy a Thoron and forge that if you're low on tomes (Need 8 charges minimum)

Ch. 25 - To Slay a God

Turns: 1 Used: Everyone


  • Start the Battle


  • Pair Olivia to Basilio
  • Pair Frederick to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 2R, 6U and Wait
  • L to Basilio
  • Move Basilio 5U
    • Switch to Olivia
    • Dance for Avatar 1U
  • Move Avatar 9U
    • Attack Sorcerer 1U,1R
    • Galeforce
  • Move Avatar 7U
    • Attack Aversa 1U with CRAFTED Thoron tome

Endgame - Grima

Turns: 1-2 Used: Chrom, Avatar, Olivia


  • Deselect all allies ¤¤ Use any stat tonics on the Avatar
  • View Map
    • Move Olivia 2R of Avatar
    • Start the Battle


  • Pair Chrom to Avatar
  • Move Avatar 6U, 2R and Wait
  • L to Olivia
  • Move Olivia 5U
    • Dance for Avatar 1U
  • Move Avatar 8U
    • Attack Grima WITH CRAFTED THORON T2: (if needed)
  • Attack Grima

The Grima Fight

If you have 42 Mag and crafted Thoron, you'll have 14 damage per hit x2 per round, as well as a 26-30% crit chance. If you have 40-41 Mag, you'll (hopefully) have used a Mag Tonic and have the above. If you have 38-39 Mag, you'll use the Mag Tonic and have crafted the Mtx5, Critx3 Thoron

  • Still have 14x2, but a much smaller crit chance (~20%). If you have 37 or less Mag, you need 2 crits.

Best outcome: Double Crit on Player Phase Hopefully: 1 crit out of 4 (2 Player Phase, 2 Enemy Phase)

What can go wrong:

  • If Grima hits you in Player Phase, often the enemy Assassin/Sniper will kill you before Grima attacks (~40%)
  • If you don't get 1 crit in 4, you almost always die to Grima's minions. (~30%)
  • You can miss Grima with an attack (~25%)
  • Grima could hit you twice (~20%)

If you survive to turn 2:

  • Grima gets healed by a war cleric, so you need 1 crit in 2 attacks (~50%)
  • Olivia will die on Enemy Phase

Total Turns: 77-84 That's all folks! Now go run Lunatic+.

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