I don't want to say a lot about this. I just thought about a cool Idea of a video. Therefor you guys need to vote the best 16 Dragon Escape Players of 2017 in your opinion (you don't need to put a reason, but think about who got a lot wrs who good a lot of public wins, who played the most, who joined the community + did a lot and who got much better over 2017) I think it's possible to vote more then 16 but if you are cool you just 16 times. Thank you :p
Well, if you remember, I was the one who started with those Top DE players. If you want another one, I'm gonna make it :)
I am not doing a video like that don't worry :p Its going to be something diffrent just vote please
i love how I'm not on there but there are people I've never heard of like Ocelot64 and Beatboxer40953458308 xsages its_ender12 um K_391 Gingy44 SparrowGaming NotWook (wtf are these) and Zeranock. Then there are meme DE'ers on there like Pyxelated and Cerdax 1 of which is banned and the other joked about cheating. Like BRUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
It's nice to see who are the best DE'ers but this seems like it turned into a popularity contest, and also the contestants aren't fair. Lots of them haven't even been in the WR book, and some who have been in the WR book (COUGH Flare and Super) aren't even in the contest...I'm sorry but how is WindMark tied for 2nd with Tristan...it seems like you just put commonly known speedrunners plus a few of your friends in this?
I'm not jealous of anyone who's ahead of me, but I feel like a bit more thought should've been put into this before conducting a poll, and I don't think it turned out the way it was meant to xd
^ preach
but for real how is windmark up there i know him he doesnt speedrun but he plays public. Also by best if you are implying game wise then sure but like Matrixonn (beaner) or TechNation should like get pentalties for having an ego higher than mt everest and an iq lower than i get in with a girl like bruh
There are 3 reasons for this:
- Silent Community
- Rigging
- people asked people outside of the community to vote for them.
But seriously K_ is literally up there because he made it I’ve never even seen him beat boxer never heard of him this list is so messed up and some of the people there have never even had a world record or are inactive. Flare should be up there if it’s “best dragon escapers of 2017”.
Nick you can stop blaming me everywhere it sucks a lot, also flare stop being mad sorry I forgot you and I can't change it stop flaming around
This might of well have been in ur list 10. CaptainClaw98 (doesnt play) 9. Cerdax (cheater) 8. diamonmineriscool385895272647 (random) 7. Jewelkit (wins in public = skill) 6. TBNRFrags (youtube subs = skill) 5. ThunderPlayz (needed room to put ur friends up there) 4. Tristan (same reason as 5) 3. coalisagoosore46469 (ur friend) 2. yourself (gotta make it seem legit so i cant put myself as #1
- Razorblade8888 (he gives me dick i give him #1 spot) (razor is abused by gays in this communityy) (feelsbadman) (traumatic flashbacks to bopster) (good at parkour)
traumatic flashbacks to me holding back the spicy footage because I was worried that my parents were going to see it eventually