Updated Any% route notes (English)
2 years ago
Texas, USA

Was gonna put this in Guides but I don't seem to be able to For the past 2 weeks or so I've been working on in-depth English notes for the Any% route and I'm proud to say I'm finally done https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GQREOne5QN2Hd16dDl73IjV1Mz6nDEekXO-0aQvr9HY/edit?usp=sharing This would not be nearly as complete as it is without ramaha's write-up, I can't read Japanese but I could discern the HP for the bosses so thank you, ramaha so much for including that information

Noob7337, Peace2drive, и ramaha нравится это
Kanagawa, Japan

Thank you for the English translation!

If you don't understand something, ask me anything!

Noob7337 и Frikkinfriks14 нравится это

You a legend for this

Frikkinfriks14 нравится это
United States

Hi Frikkinfriks! Your Discord invite link in the guide is invalid!

Отредактировано пользователем автор 1 year ago
Texas, USA

@xDuosionare Sorry I'm 5 months late to this, the invite definitely works but the verification level for the server was set a bit high so that should be fixed now. If you still can't join, make sure your account has a verified email.

Also for everyone's convenience, I now have the server linked on this page and not just in the guide.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 1 year ago
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