Request to Change Start Time for Mod with Payment 10,000 Points / 30,000 Points
4 years ago
New Jersey, USA

Hi There!

I started speedrunning this game a couple years ago and have recently picked it back up. I noticed that the rules on when to start timing your run is the same for every single category except for Mod with Payment 10,000 Points and Mod with Payment 30,000 Points respectively.

For every category, the rules are: "Time starts the frame your character moves after starting the game and ends when you reach 10,000 points." As for Mod with Payment 10,000 Points, the rules are: "Time starts at selection of starting the game and ends when you reach 10,000 points."

Mod with Payment 10,000 Points and 30,000 Points are the only two categories that do not take into account first movement as the indicator on when to start timing your run, which I believe is an overlooked mistake. I remember way back when the rules were something along the lines of, "Timing starts when you click Start", and as the game became more popular to run, new moderators properly adjusted the rules to account for first movement, but those changes did not carry over to these two categories.

I am requesting that the Start Time for Mod with Payment 10,000 Points and Mod with Payment 30,000 Points be adjusted to first movement, meaning the first frame the Doodler itself moves in the Head Start Canon (not the Head Start Canon moving itself). I am also requesting that the times for the verified runs be re-timed for consistency.

I sincerely hope you take this request into consideration. Thank you!

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