Rule Clarifications
1 month ago
Kansas, USA

Hello, I plan on working on runs for this but after watching a bunch of the runs and reading the rules there are a few things that I see that could speed things up but want to make certain they are ok.

  1. External View: I understand what you mean about external dashing (teleporting) but what about the UI from external view. Is this allowed or must the whole run be done in first person.

  2. Mods: I have a few mods that just pull info from the game and show it in a easy to read system. Like Pressures and weights, location of cars, locos things of that nature. They don't modify the game itself but will give me an edge over others that have to look for this information.

  3. Difficulty: I have read what has been posted but since I am here I want to clarify. Starting a Fresh career does not give you difficulty options unless you turn off the tutorial. Is the Tutorial required for fresh career runs? - I watched the start of a few runs, this was answered there - No tutorial and any preset difficulty

That is the main questions I have, hope to hear from you soon as the starting setup for these runs will change a lot based on your response.


Отредактировано пользователем автор 1 month ago
United States


Third person and the driving UI are allowed.

Mods that give advantageous information that isn't available to pancake or VR players count as game changing mods.

Tutorial is not required for any mode. You can start a run with your desired difficulty from the main menu by skipping the tutorial.

Kansas, USA

got it thank you for the swift reply

United States

I have updated the game rules to clarify these points.

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