7-Card Matching Mini-Game
Michigan, USA

I uploaded the image showing some patterns to the Resources Section. Few things to Note thou.

#1 It's not 100% perfect. Sometimes it's not even close, other times the cards, but they're in the wrong place by like a card or 2. However they do seems to be in the correct locations enough times for this to be worth it.

#2 Stronger Enemies Groups seem to appear more often, but usually at the very start before you can deal with them. First encounter Onion/3 Orange Saibamen, no items and can't escape...that's a reset. I've had this happen more then I'd like.

#3 It seems to work better (If at all) when you start the run at a certain time. Let the Title Intro play out and then you see Vegeta with the scouter, it'll shine, then start flashing over and over. Right when it's about to flash the 10th time, press START and then instantly after, press A and you'll select New Game and start the run.

#4 I play using the English Patch (Red Comet's), so I don't know if this works on JP original. As of now, I use FCEUX 2.2.3.

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