Orange car RULES!
4 years ago

Just noticed that my 1st place spot got taken by another orange car run, that was expected. I didn't spend a whole lot of time making that run, I just stole the 1st place spot with a strat that I formed as a little kid, I enjoyed the short-lived 1st moment I had in the spotlight.

It's funny. Growing up you think that you're the best in the world and then reality proves that you weren't as great as you thought you were, but for once in my life little 9year old me had the world record strategy that many of you neglected to figure out on your own.

Congrats to Blasco for being the current Saturn Mode Beginner course champion, but the time can be lowered even further with the orange car! 9year old-me would get several 16-something second laps. There is lots of room for improvement!


Just as games with thousands of players still discovers new tricks from time to time, this too is no different. "Neglected to figure out" is a strong choice of words because, frankly, I don't care much for the Saturn version of the game due to its flaws in comparison to the arcade version of the game. If the Saturn was the way I also played the game in my childhood, as well as others here, I'm sure it would've been a different story.

Yeah, all the Saturn runs can be improved, it's just not something that I think most of us here care for, so if you want to give that a shot, I think you'll find it easy to improve these on. Blasco and I have fun for a while battling back and forth on the Advanced track for the first place but eventually I stopped and went back to the "normal" game. If I get bored, I'll go back to the Saturn version again.

Blasco нравится это
Michigan, USA

Its funny you say that N0Lif3, I though I was good until I went to the Advanced category. NegativeEdgelords time is very good. Its sure going to make me grind.

Campania, Italy

Sorry for bumping a thread from 11 months ago, but I wanted to say thank you to N0Lif3, since I saw the thread just now. I played the saturn version as well back in the day, but I wasn't too happy because of the draw distance. Enjoying Sega Rally and Wipeout 2097 much more than CCE just made me forget for years about the saturn first conversion. Today I think it's a pretty fun game even with its technical limitations and glitches. I think the Daytona games in general need more attention, playing them again during these last months, now with a driver license, made me appreciate them a lot more, particularly 2.

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Regarding "Saturn Car" runs + In-Game timer requirement

There has been more submissions using the Saturn Exclusive Cars, which is great fun to watch!

But I need to remind those who submit that you still need to pick "Saturn Exclusive Car" as your category. Your version, however, may be set to "Arcade" so it can appear without having to switch tab si

9 months ago
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