Category Ideas
9 years ago

Here you can post your category ideas. Include rules and a possible name for the run.

Georgia, USA

How 'bout different categories for the separate classes? And until more teams start routing/running the game, move the multiplayer categories(with no separate categories for the different team combinations because that would literally be asinine) to be all miscellaneous so there's not too much clutter? As for renaming, how about "NG Acts 1-5". Fits more inline with literally every other speedgame. Rules for all categories, start on first input(first click to move), end on credits, go as fast as you can. No vendors/crafting because materials/gold/plans are shared. Run invalidated if someone joins the game(turn off quick join in social while you're running!). Difficulty changes alright as appropriate to your routing.

Anything wrong with what I'm suggesting?

Starcrunsher и PotatoBacon нравится это

Well I took your ideas and mixed them with the current category. As for the categories for for separate classes, some classes would seem not to fit the 'speed' (and I do mean WD) and others aren't that fast without cdr. If that's what you want I can add a categories for monk and dh, but that would basically be adding one for dh and changing the current one to monk.

Tell me if there is something I missed or something that could require further editing.

Starcrunsher и Jamesborg99 нравится это
Georgia, USA

Things looks legitimate!

And reason I suggested the separate classes was entirely because I thought it woulda been fun to have a random class speedrun night. Viewers pick the class kinda thing. :D


well if someone actually submits runs with the other classes we can make the cats for them (maybe as miscellaneous though)

Georgia, USA

Stellar idea, actually!

Illinois, USA

Couldn't there be a NG+ category where you would use a geared character? Players could be limited to a specific number of paragon points and there could again me different categories for each class (as stated above). Also maybe NG+ could also be forced to be a specific difficulty like torment 1 or something. It's just a suggestion of course :P


The thing that bothers me about using geared characters for speedruns is that you are required to farm/craft specific gear that would speed up the run. The current run is fair for everyone and is only affected by luck basically. Also the NG+ category won't have the loot drop aaspect of the run, only the area spawning will affect the run.

Georgia, USA

There's also the fact that there's an infinite ceiling with how powerful you can get. I mean, sure, there's a theoretical cap, but between perfect rolls, ancient or not, etc, it's impossible to reach 100% theoretical efficiency.


Can you add the cathegorie : • NG 2Players • NG 3Players • NG 4Players • NG+

(Please add i want run all this !)


The 2-4 players are under misc categories already.

United States

A platform category. I would like to run on xbox 1 but because of performance differences would like separation from PC category. Might be interested in multiplayer categories eventually. Rules would remain same as PC categories.


@Nct16 Are you aware if the consoles work in the same way, so if i would make a category in consoles for general?

United States

I do not know for sure but I believe the xbox one/ ps4 editions would be the same.


Created a console category. Currently under misc, will be moved once a run is accepted into it.

  1. Start timer on first click in game and ends upon ending act V.
  2. If you're taking a brief pause, record the pause. Stop timer when game is paused and resume timer before continuing.

I'd like to comment on these rules. They're quite inconsistent with general speedrun rules. Timer should be started either when you press start game or when you get control of the character. It doesn't make any real difference so I wouldn't make big noise about it. Already I see WR runner started at start game and apparently time was re-timed due to differences. Just saying he had it done more sensibly, odd to have it changed to this. Oh well.

Pausing during runs is such a no-no though. Pausing makes the run segmented, I'm sure you want to be considered real time runner. Makes no sense if WR run can just pause the game, take a good night sleep and come finish run on the morning. This really should be changed. "Mom called to eat" isn't really a working explanation on speedrunning. If you want to argue this, please do not get into "brief means x amount of minutes". It makes no difference if break is 5 seconds or hours. Timer is holy and cannot be paused under any circumstances if interest is to keep it a real time run.

I see some runs already have used this "right". I'd suggest to just ban pausing now and not allow it on upcoming entries.

And yes I sound really harsh about the subject, but it just has to be. It's popular game after all, and people will end up running it in the future too - game will never completely die off. Arbitrary rules on game like this is really bad idea.


@Ouga Starting the timer when pressing start game makes a difference due to load times and the current rules allow people to add the cosmetic items if the choose to do so. I do agree on the no pausing idea now. Before there were so little runners on the game and it didn't feel like such a bad thing back then. I will change this now.


Yeah ofc the starting point differs from game to game a lot and makes no real difference, not worth it to make drama over it. But yeah good if pausing is gone! \o

New Zealand

Yeah I feel the pausing when you want thing, that kinda burns it, cause it means you could go take a 5 minute walk around, no pausing is better

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