How do stay moving more of the time when in inventory ?
1 year ago
Milwaukee, WI, USA

I have been learning the any% strats / maps / builds type deal from the guides/ youtube/ peoples runs but I still don't have the "advanced mouse use" down. it must be a combo of thinking " I am moving to the right now , quickly ID that, quickly load up that potion" I have seen people swap weapons around and do all sorts of menuing and never really full stop ... is it all about keeping left click held down until the very last second? It seems like diablo unclicks left mouse button when pressing right mouse ? Idk maybe if one of the mods on here can shine some light on it . Do you have to have an ability set on the right bottom that targets in such a way to give the player more movement before the hard stop? Perhaps its more of having a higher DPI mouse and sort of clicking the a far edge of the screen, then very very quickly clicking around in inventory w/ a combo of one of the above mentioned ? Thanks for any info on this. it it really is just a feel thing perhaps the "mindset / general strat" would be nice.

British Columbia, Canada

It mostly comes down to clicking in between menuing - if moving right I always clicked to move, opened inventory, did a thing or two while character moved, closed the inventory, clicked to move, opened inventory...... if moving left I usually kept the inventory open and it was a lot more mouse movement, but clicking to move in between each inventory action

And yes you can hold the mouse down while looking at your inventory to keep moving, so you can decide what inventory actions you want to do, unclick, do all your inventory movement and hopefully close your inventory and click again before you stop moving

I also had the habit of using action frames to my advantage to do tiny inventory actions. For example, for some swings of the weapon or cast of a spell, it'll take like 1/4 of a second to finish casting, so that 1/4 of a second I can open my inventory and belt or drink a potion. I did that a lot while teleporting right as a sorc, or in between war cries while doing a hell barb run back in the day, as examples

RN_Jesus0 нравится это
British Columbia, Canada

Another note, when I play window mode, the mouse actually lets you move your mouse past the visible screen to the right if you don't have the mouse locked to the window. I think this varies from setup to setup, but worth noting, as I could run for longer to the right with my inventory open before stopping than I could run to the left with my character sheet open

Отредактировано пользователем автор 1 year ago
RN_Jesus0 нравится это
Milwaukee, WI, USA

Yo man, thanks a ton. I think I have the general mind set down. When moving left or right you can sort of develop the muscle memory to open the opposite menu and try to "click move click ... click move click" type thinking.

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