Mad_max not wr holder
4 years ago

run xray faster

by neural 3:25.839 2nd Xray662 3:25.872 1st Mad_Max 3:25.939 3rd st4nzzz 3:26.073 6th jeffsledge 3:26.173 Koh1fds (not on 3:26.173 5th Alex_Toad 3:26.206 4th MeatBaller 3:26.339 7th TheCherryPoint 3:26.373 8th TGR 3:26.440 9th the_kov 3:26.506 10th ShesChardcore 3:26.740 11th BenshowSly 3:26.773 13th AD2 3:26.840 11th ViruseReturns 3:26.406 Neural new pb)

Отредактировано пользователем автор 4 years ago
Demian_Neville нравится это
South Holland, Netherlands

So every moderator has been wrong for all verifications every single time somehow ? Maybe we all just didnt know how to frame count the game. Or maybe we just dont have the precision of NASA scientists. Or you are wrong counting the frames ... One seems more logic than the other.


look all levels sbs only xray wins 6 frames on first 4 levels and lose 5 frames on 5 level, wr not mad max, look bonus time on upper

Отредактировано пользователем автор 4 years ago
South Holland, Netherlands

So on your list jeffledge has a better time than mine... i end up with more points than him ... So how do you explain that ?


I explain this by saying that maybe the timer has a different starting point. I’ll also say that this is not my list but a neural one, I just brought it here as an approximate example that someone incorrectly considered it.

edit - Here is the SbS video between Xray and Mad_max, I don’t know how long you started to count the time, I took the starting point for the first loss of Player 1 on title screen.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 4 years ago
MeatBaller нравится это
South Holland, Netherlands

I can see what you mean , Xray's run seems faster indeed. But there are some inconsistent flashes at pressing start. The flashes do not seem to line up. So we need to figure out a preciser way to time these runs. Because the points somehow are not related to time , which is pretty weird. I am not attacking you personally Negative4k i know the list was not yours, i also was not attacking Neural, it just seemed highly unlikely that every mod had been wrong every single time. But we really need to figure this out quick. But can you maybe explain why the flashes at the beginning at pressing start dont line up ? Thanks for bringing it up because i had a hard time understanding what you was trying to show.


I don’t know why the little hands are different, maybe just because of the frame drops of the video when processing YouTube. I also noticed that at Mad max the first level starts immediately with 4990 bonus points when xray662 the first level starts at 5000. and this I noticed not only in level 1.

South Holland, Netherlands

Wow you are right man that explains the difference in points. Thats very observant of you. Maybe we need to add you as mod 😄 .

South Holland, Netherlands

Im trying to figure out how the verfications were wrong ? Is the software most use to verify here not precise enough ? Or did we let the points fool us ? We need to figure this out.

South Holland, Netherlands

Also why does one start with 4990 and the other with 5000 ? Can we figure out a method to consistentl reproduce the same starting score over and over ? So many questions right now.


I framecounted Mad_Max's run right now and for me it is 3m 25s 867ms and for Xray it came out exactly as it is on the leaderboards. Xray should have WR. Of course, it would be nice to get second/third opinion on the matter. :D


I use Sony Vegas 16.

South Holland, Netherlands

Its true the timing of madmax is incorrect , i cant frame count it because i dont know the framerate but i know its timed 6 frames minus 0.05s too late. So mad max time is not correct.

South Holland, Netherlands

But why did you both time different time for mad max ? I mean stealthunder and negativ4k ?

South Holland, Netherlands

Sorry i meant the one in neural's list and stealthunder


I checked on landing on the platform and not about the loss of the trapezoid.

South Holland, Netherlands

so if its 30 fps the error in madmax time is 0,149999 sec and if its 60 fps the error is 0,05 sec so if correct his time should be 3:25.849 at 30 fps or 3:25.750 at 60 fps, which leads me to believe it was recorded at 30 fps

South Holland, Netherlands

But now we all have different times :) , but atleast now we now for sure its not correct


Mad max video on youtube in 30 fps xray662 video on youtube in 60 fps


If you right mouse button click on the video and choose "Stats for nerds" and then next to "Current / Optimal Res" there is framerate. For Xray I can see 60 and for Mad Max there is 30.

It seems to me that timer starts at the first frame when "1 player A" disappears and ends when player lands and trapeze dispappears (as it says in the rules).

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