Hi all,
I'm trying to organize a Chip n Dale Any% Knockout One Night Only Tournament (KONOT).
For those unfamiliar with what it is...it's a series of elimination races that take place in one day, where (depending on the number of runners), we run a race, and eliminate the slowest time (or X number of times if we have a lot of runners). The remaining participants then race again and we repeat the process until we have a winner!
The last time we did one for CnD was nearly 5 years ago, so I think it's time to have one again (full VOD of that tournament below)
If you're interested, let me know in here or on discord (Tecate is my discord name)
We'd like to try to announce the race and a date soon, hopefully announced during the Big 20 on March 1st!
Three options for dates are:
- Sat. May 17
- Sat. April 19
- Sat. April 26
(EDIT: Ideally we try to avoid April 26th ... would be a last resort to not conflict with another event)
(EDIT No. 2: May 17th is the planned date for this barring any major changes prior to the Big 20 on March 1st)
Again, if you're interested, reply in here or message me on discord and rank those three dates!
I won't even force you to use Dale!
We're up to 3 ... possibly 5 people so far
- Me
- Neithend
- Rigs
All can do Apr. 19th
- GeneralAndrews (maybe/probably)
- Zaelyn (hopefully)
also potentially can.
I'll check w/people again in a couple days, would like to have this announced during Big20 if possible.
I'll (hopefully) be on vacation in April during these dates, so May only works for me from those available dates. :)
If we did may we'd have
- Me
- Neithend
- Rigs
- Jokubotti (likely)
- Dave (likely)
- Zae (hopefully)
- Moliman
and i'm sure we'd get more as the days pass and with an official announcement/promotion of it
I'd be interested as well sounds fun I need something to motivate me back into speedrunning lol can probably do any of the Saturdays as long as it's after 2pm ET or I guess if it's ahead of time should be able to get the day off lol
I think the latest it'd start be is about 2pm ET to get our Finnish/Russian/Ukrainian and other European friends in while still making it USA PT friendly as well ... would guess probably closer to a noon ET start, but that can TBD based off what works best for as many people as possible (including the organizers!)