Updates for the CHGDS leaderboard
Updates for the CHGDS leaderboard
Опубликовано 1 year ago от

Hey everyone! I have a few updates on plans for the Clubhouse Games DS (CHGDS) speedrun leaderboard. Most minor changes will be posted in our Clubhouse Games Speedrunning Discord server, however some large changes are mentioned, so it felt right to also post this here.

New Categories

We have added new categories to the leaderboard! These include main categories Stamp Mode and Mission Mode, as well as miscellaneous categories for Mahjong Solitaire All Stages, Mahjong Solitaire All Stucks, and Golf (Japan).

Minor Changes

Lots of minor changes have been recently, including renaming the individual level runs from Victory/Defeat to Win/Finish, and having a standardised start/end timing for all categories (except Mahjong Solitaire All Stucks). This should make the CHGDS leaderboard more parallel with the Clubhouse Games Switch board where possible.

Start/End Timings

Historically, runs have been verified with various timings, particularly the exact frame that counts as the "standings screen" or "results screen". Runs are now verified with the start timing being when the start button is visually more pressed in, and end timing is when the screen cuts to being slightly darker after displaying "Game Over" - this is the standings screen timing. However, some games go straight to the results screen (for example Solitaire) - for these games, timing ends on the first frame of the top or bottom screen starting to show the standings screen.

This timing method has been used for all runs from 6th December 2023 onwards. I will retime all runs prior to this date. This will take some time, but is the only way to ensure complete accuracy.

Finish/Win and Worldwide/Japan variables

The final major change is fixing the variables. There are some categories where these are irrelevant, however these were assigned to every full game category, so fixing this would require me to manually edit each run to match the change. Because of this, I will make this change after retiming all runs for simplicity.

Finally, there is a possibility that we may need one or two more verifiers for CHGDS in the distant future. I am happy to take on everything above, but as the mod team is fairly small, this may become necessary at some point. Happy clubhouse gaming!

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