so everyone knows that there are 2 ver. of cc2 1.0 and 1.1 both having different thing to each other. example: in 1.0 at level 2 at checkpoint J you have to hold the snowball before it rolls while in 1.1 you can just flick it. another example: in 1.1 at level 3-1 at the 3rd and 4th disappearing blocks there are spikes on top while on 1.0 there are none and in 1.0 at 3-3 checkpoint D instead of there being a spike wall there is just another grapple shooter to the end. i know there are a lot of runs now but it would be better to seperate them.
There's advantages to both versions, but if you look at the top runs, there are plenty from both versions. I don't think things like flicking the snowball instead of holding and throwing it actually saves enough time for any of it to matter, and if it did, I would think 1.1 would have the advantage anyway.