Three New Categories Added!
Three New Categories Added!
Опубликовано 2 years ago от

The first wave of Category Extension submissions has been processed—thanks for all the ideas! We added 3 new categories from the 6 distinct submissions sent in. The boards on the CE page have been re-ordered to accomodate these new additions, and if you'd like to submit more categories, here are the relevant links:

Form: Accepted/Rejected Submissions:

Runs will not be verified for the 72 hours following this announcement. With all that out of the way, here's the submission results:

  1. All Blue Hearts: rejected — this category was deemed too similar to All A-Sides, with the only differences being 5-7a hearts

  2. True Pure Any%: rejected — this category has little lasting value (TAS has already been tied RTA), and due to its length and simplicity there are issues with determining the legitimacy of submissions

  3. Berry Sampler: accepted — using cheat mode, collect one berry from each checkpoint that has any; visit epilogue for verification. (Submitted as "One Berry Per Checkpoint")

  4. Prologue: accepted — beat prologue from a new file. timed by showing the journal after completion; you must then immediately show the main menu for version number — note: this will not be added to the Main boards because it uses the file timer, and would also generate 3 dead boards

  5. Epilogue Pies: accepted (adapted from VRB and Good Enough Pie submissions) — unlock epilogue with enough berries to receive a pie screen different from the default one. six sub-categories have been added: cheat mode/no cheat mode versions of 20, 50, & 90 berries. (150 berries seemed too similar to ARB). — we deemed the 50 berry run close enough to VRB to hopefully capture the interest of those who played VRB, while this structure allowed for more intermediate berry runs to try out. the 20 berry boards stand to be deleted due to their similarity to Any% and Berry Sampler. if you'd like them to stick around, get people to play them

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Wave 2 of Category Extension Submissions

Hi there! Another wave of CE submissions has been processed. Runs of new categories will not be verified for 48 hours. If you'd like to submit more categories, here are the relevant links:

Form: Accepted/Rejected Submissions:

  1. BnARB
2 years ago
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