We need to discuss what forms of clicking are allowed
5 years ago
Maine, USA

I want to come to a general consensus on what forms of clicking we are going to allow before i reject or accept any more runs. there's so many different ways people are trying to get around actual clicking to a point where it's difficult to tell what's auto-clicking and what's not.

Besides actual clicking. Do we want to allow -Keyboard buttons as clicks. -Mouse-wheel clicks.

I personally don't think we should out of sheer difficulty to verify it's a legit run, but also it's kind of defeats the purpose if you ask me to not actually do your own clicking. Thoughts? Arguments? For or against? Let me know what you guys think.

EthanJayAce нравится это

I think mouse keys are fine as long as you don't do the weird auto-click "Exploit" in my recent post I think mouse wheel click should be banned because there is no actual click, just scrolling, with scrolling set to click it would be Almost Impossible to tell the difference between an Auto-clicker and a free scroll mouse

TheStrahl нравится это
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

I think we should ban any other clicks except for left mouse clicks. Because everything else just opens the road for more discussion. And we would need a way how to verify them, possibly with a cam, though I don't like that, because I don't have one. I would prefer a software solution, I'm playing around with mousotron at the moment, maybe a few of you can take a look at that (http://www.blacksunsoftware.com/mousotron.html).

TheStrahl нравится это
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

I recorded a run with the mousotron right here. Maybe we can build in rules like click every button (middle, extra 1, extra 2 ....) while the mouse is on the cookie and scroll to proof that the actions work but do not trigger the cookie. I don't know. ()

EthanJayAce, can you test if your exploit is registering as normal mouseclicks? If so, maybe we can allow mousekeys. We just have to be sure that one click corresponds to one action.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
TheStrahl нравится это

Dugnom, I don't really know what you mean by that since I'm new here but in the stats menu it changes "Hand-Made cookies" and "Cookie clicks"

I made 300 cookies in 5 seconds and it counted all of them

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
TheStrahl нравится это
Maine, USA

I actually think that mousotron program is exactly what we need, but would an auto-clicker register on it?

Dugnom нравится это
United Kingdom

coldwaters time is fake the clicking is insanely fast

United Kingdom

also there is a random pause at the start

TheStrahl, could you give me a link to an auto click register and the mousotron link? Or even put it in resources

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
Maine, USA

I think coldwater is using mousekeys, because there are brief stutters in the clicking, it's not consistent. But at the same time, he is using a microphone and I think it would pick up any actual clicking noises... But this is a good example of why we need these rules in place.

Here's a link to Mousotron too http://www.blacksunsoftware.com/mousotron.html

Dugnom нравится это

TheStrahl I just tested the Mouse keys Exploit it changes left clicks but not keystrokes, maybe that is an answer to make sure nobody is using an auto clicker, though it does count middle click and right click as keystrokes it counts Num5 and Num+ as left clicks, we can keep count there, Can we please make a discord so it is easier to communicate?

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago

im new can you use an autoclicker? and what is using the new wr to do more clicks?


Autoclick is not allowed, every click must correspond to a "body movement", wr I think remaps the click to the mouse wheel, so he scroll that for more clicks

Seattle, WA, USA

The current WR uses a free-scrolling scroll wheel, which means that they can scroll the mouse once every couple of seconds and let the momentum carry it. A demonstration can be found here.

Though I don't have an opinion on the "one body-movement per click" rule, this certainly does not follow it.


oh, this should be banned imo. At least we banned it for hungry pumkin

The_Real_Jar нравится это
United States

I have not seen the "every click must correspond to a body movement" mentioned before, I do not think that is true for this game or else scroll wheels wouldn't be allowed (dozens-hundreds of clicks for a single movement) and mousekeys would not be allowed (1 keypress is 2 clicks)

Seattle, WA, USA

I think it should be. Otherwise, it kind of defeats the purpose of the game.

ImHolden нравится это
United States

I don't think the game has a defined purpose, other than maybe getting cookies.

If you mean defeats the purpose of the game as in makes it way easier than intended, I think the problem is with scroll wheel then, not free scroll wheel. Based on my testing, normal scroll wheel is ~12x faster than standard left click, and free scroll is not even 1.5x faster than normal scroll wheel.

If we already allow clicking methods that let you click ~100 times a second, completely dominating traditional left click, I don't see why a method that lets you click ~140 times a second is a problem at all. I wouldn't mind it being moved to a seperate free scroll click type or the "other" click type, but since the speed is rather close to traditional mouse wheel I don't know if that is necessary (there would be a bigger difference between someone that clicks 7 times a second vs someone that clicks 10 times a second... would seem silly to split those into different categories)

Dugnom нравится это

with normal clicks I get around 10cps, up to 20 with a good mashing tecnique with 2 hands and the touchpad. With normal scroll wheel I get 50cps, with free-scroll wheel I see people reach 150cps... so your numbers doesn't really match. Anyway everyone have a scroll wheel, and it would be pretty much a standard for everyone, superior to any weird mashing tecnique, while a free-scroll it's not so common to have. If you want some competition, you can go for normal clicks (but that would put my touchpad already in a weird position) or for the normal scroll wheel.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 4 years ago
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

100cps and 140cps is still a huge difference

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