Different PC version, Maybe faster?? Im not for certain though...
6 years ago
New Jersey, USA

This is the new WR of 2000 distance% by squiblers. If you look at the comments in the embedded video, squiblers and I have a discussion on how it is a different version (older) of CMZ, I suspect. They said, they are playing on steam and on windows 10, on a seperate launcher.

Im not really sure how exactly, but I made this forum for you all to look and maybe give some insights or answers. For example, should there be a "versions" section on the info. when submitting a run, if this version is available to all? Or is it even faster?.

I dont really know, but im interested to hear your thoughts.


I've actually been looking into this since the run was verified, I was even working on a video about it lmao. This version is the "Classic" version, accessible through the Steam settings for the game, then selecting an opt-in in the Betas section. I ran a few attempts using that version and it is noticeably faster than the "modern" version of the game, imo due to jumping adding even more forward speed. I was going to pass the question off to the community at large, but I feel that at least for Distance%, the two versions are not comparable. Classic wins readily.

AntBlueR и buckethead222 нравится это
New Jersey, USA

Dweather, you are legend. I am very excited for that video as well.

Now the question I am posing to you is: should we some how add like a version scroll down thing when submitting a run to show what version you used? or something allong those lines?

I mean we could make seperate categories, but I feel that would make our leagerboards just very convoluted, IDK

Dweather нравится это

I don't believe that the versions should be in direct competition on the same leaderboard, but I do agree that there's a bit of a challenge organising it. Also thank you! I'm gonna finish up that video and share it here so the community has some direct comparisons and compiled footage in one place.

AntBlueR нравится это
New Jersey, USA

If possible maybe some sort of tutorial too? but I think ur right, it kinda makes no sense to have a version thats sooo much faster be with a slower one. So i see ur point

United States

Thanks for figuring this out, Dweather and buckethead. I'll find a way to install the more updated version and submit a rerun. Feel free to take my 2000 distance% run down from the leaderboards. Thank you <3

Отредактировано пользователем автор 6 years ago

Here's the video I was talking about.

I'm personally going to wait for community input and perspective on how the two versions should be run.

AntBlueR, buckethead222, и naku нравится это

Don't be too hasty, Squiblers. If anything, we should probably be thanking you for bringing these differences to light and potentially changing the way we play the game.

AntBlueR, buckethead222, и naku нравится это
United States

Just watched the video. Incredible job explaining! I think they should be different categories because of the significant speed increase. And no need to thank me! I'm just having fun. B)

Also, I'm gonna get to work on a "modern" run right now.

buckethead222 и Dweather нравится это
New Jersey, USA

Should I or Dweather, just go in a "trail" like state and make a seperate category. "classic" and "modern"?

naku нравится это
United States

Yeah, like two separate tabs for modern and classic runs, if possible.

buckethead222 нравится это
New Jersey, USA

I have updated the leaderboards, please let me know if you think something needs to be changed...

naku нравится это
United States

Looks good, thank you!


Agreed, the changes are pretty excellent!

AntBlueR нравится это

While this is still fresh in our minds, I decided to throw together another video showing some more exact numbers for what kind of speed we can expect from jumping in Classic mode, as well as how much faster alternative movement methods are compared to just walking normally. There are a few flaws, but I feel that it for the most part adequately represents what I've gleaned from running both versions.

AntBlueR и naku нравится это
United States

Sounds good!


Interesting finds! Might just pick up the game up for a while again atleast, actually finish a 5k run for once heh. Cant seem to get past 4.5k with the spawn rates being pretty ass. Also one big difference is that you can't save your jump and use it midair, gotta be careful with fall damage.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 6 years ago
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