door skip
3 years ago
United States

is it posible to get door skip on 1player it just asking cause i can do it in 3 and 4 player but cant get it once in p1 mode i dosent seam like anthing between the modes would do anything at all. ive also only been trying door skip on the day 1,2,3 and 4 maby you cant do it in the tutorial section of the game idk

also is door skip frame perfect or close to it it seems like it is at most a 3 frame window

Oregon, USA

Is it possible to do solo? Probably. It's just purely down to timing opening the door. As for how much time you have, we still don't even know. We just wing it for most of it, just judging when to open the door based on the voice lines. It's likely you can do it during the first days, it's just when you have to do it is entirely based around the voice line. Some can delay it, some can make it come sooner.

United States

it dosent seam posible i tryed for like an hour and didnt get it once but on a 3 player run i did i got like 10 not sure thogh

Arkansas, USA

May be related to net code then? My guess is that as the [OPEN DOOR] action gets sent to the server, the game does the day transition, and then the [OPEN DOOR] action gets sent to each of the players, opening the door at the start of the next day. Any other thoughts?

Washington, USA

I gave it 30 or 40 goes on level one and didn't get it once. Might not be possible, but ALWAYS worth it to go for it

Arkansas, USA

I got a 2-frame, 1-frame, and 0-frame door open on single player, and none of them opened the door for the next day. I don't think it's possible on single player.

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