Ekoro Shortcuts
7 years ago

Area 1: Same as the others, Hypershot still required.

Area 2: Same as Gunvolt, her cupid arrows can destroy blocks.

Area 3 Same as the others, get hover, defeat boss, Save & Quit warp.

Area 4 Same as the others, get key after defeating boss then Save & Quit warp.

Area 5: Same as Gunvolt, her cupid arrows can destroy the 4 blocks and her hover allows her to reach to the exit.

Area 6: Although she cannot shoot upwards, there is a small frame/pixel window that her arrow can destroy blocks above her. Early Wall climb is not possible because the route requires wall jumping which Ekoro cannot do.

Area 5 > Area 4 Eject from the tank and take the lower route, avoiding the wall spikes and then go up to the very top and you'll see 4 grey blocks in a single row, with a well timed shot you can destroy the blocks above Ekoro without the underwater gear.

Area 7 and 8 By crouching, aim your cupid shots next to the corner of the breakable block. This allows her to destroy blocks below her without using Crusher shot + wall climb down combo.

Notes: Her eject jump from the tank does not allow her to hover, so there's no new out of bounds with this character.

Overall, the run is not going to be as fast as GV and some of Area 8's final rooms are very difficult if you've skipped the underwater gear

Отредактировано пользователем автор 7 years ago
Ohio, USA

Good stuff to know. Shame about the eject jump not allowing hover though.

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