New Catagory
5 years ago
New Mexico, USA
He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

All Bart Bonte games (Or at least a hand full of them). Possibly all games which have a page. Been wanting a longer run for Bonte games but everyone maxes out at 30 sec. - 2 min. I would definitely run a category like this if it were a thing! :D

Oh_my_gourdness нравится это
Colorado, USA

I will not be adding the category if it is incomplete, such as "all on" as any game can be added at any point given a run is done of the game. However, if you do end up doing a run of all of the games listed below in one run, I will add the category for you.

black red boo! song for a bird yellow blocky xmas cat in japan what's inside the box? christmas cat where is cat? sugar, sugar 3 sweet drmzzz pixels for christmas in drmzzz piksels 25 a bonte christmas me and the key 3 off to work we go a block christmas furiosity 40xEscape sugar, sugar 2 farafalla sugar, sugar, christmas factory balls 4 14 locks sugar, sugar factory balls, christmas me and the key 2 a bonte escape klikwerk factory balls 3 full moon must pop words me and the key factory balls 2 duck doggnation factory balls a bark in the dark loose the moose chicken grow fields of logic seen on screen free the bird the bonte room 2 the bonte room

Also, if you did end up doing this, your run would be removed once he releases another game. Considering his most recent game is from December of last year it could be at any time.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
grntsz, Oh_my_gourdness и 2 другие нравится это
New Mexico, USA
He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

Possibly grouping of the categories on this page. Ex: All color games and Bonte Cat games, etc. Maybe even games from certain years. I might try some runs in the far future just some room for thought. :D

Oh_my_gourdness нравится это
Colorado, USA

Nobody's stopping you from following up a cats run with a colors run, but that doesn't mean they need a combined category

grntsz, Oh_my_gourdness и 2 другие нравится это
New Mexico, USA
He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

Your right, just a thought that I had. I would like to try a longer run anyways. Most likely will post in the forums instead of as a category. :D

Oh_my_gourdness нравится это
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