Hey all,
Just a thought.
Ninja Gaiden has the ninja license for sub 12.30 runs... Jaws has a fishing license for sub 3.20 runs.
Batman is a hard game, and tough run... should there be a Dark Knight / Vigilantte license for say, sub 11.10 or 11.20 runs??
Just a thought, I think it would be fun.. lets discuss this.
Regards, Deadguy
In my opinion there's two times! I actually have an 12:24 in Ninja Gaiden, and I would equate Batman getting a perfect run like that to be <11.
If you wanna push yourself further, I think original <12 in Ninja Gaiden is very similar to funkdoc's old 10:24 where essentially everything (when you're running around those paces) needs to go right.
What do you mean? xD
I think still, yeah, <11 or 10:24 depending how much you want to run it are what I would consider a license for Batman.