Some updates
So, we decided to revamp the leaderboards seeing as it hasn't been updated in a few years.
We removed the All Levels NG+ category as it hasn't had a run in over 4 years and is very similar to the regular All Levels category. It's been replaced with a new category called All Achievements.
The rules have been updated to disallow use of the console across all categories.
We also decided to add a level leaderboard for all the individual levels. The level number is followed by its password. There is an Easy and Expert category for each as well.
And lastly we did a complete overhaul of the theme, changing the background image, the logo, the icon, and the trophy icons.
DillsburyDoughmin и GarguysOdin нравится это
Последние запуски
Уровень: Level 8: Middle
Уровень: Level 1: One