Julius runs ranked by IGT
9 years ago
United States

I've been meaning to bring this up for a little bit, since I did some digging into GBA emulation. As of right now, there's no emulator that is 100% accurate for GBA. The closest I've found is VBA-Next, which is the core BizHawk uses. However, this still isn't 100% accurate, and runs a bit faster than console does. From what I can tell, it appears that it's load times which are the issue (that brief period when the screen is black during room transitions). Until we can get a bit more accuracy for GBA emulators, I propose that we go by IGT (for Julius only). During my tests, I found that the IGT stops during the period when the screen goes black between rooms. It actually made it pretty easy to figure out just how far off each emulator was. Basically, going by IGT would be accurate across both console and all emulators.

I don't propose this for Soma since the IGT also stops during menus, and suspends would then not count either. In Julius' case there's no menus or any suspend shenanigans to screw with things.

Sambss и BoredOfYou нравится это

I agree that going for IGT might be more accurate, at least for Julius since it's a fiercely competitive cathegory where screentransitions might end up deciding the outcome in the end. I ended up doing runs on VBA-next as well for SOMA based on your input, since the battery of my cart seems to have died :/. One thing to note though is that it should be clearly stated on the leaderboard that IGT is to be submitted, not RTA

United States

Yeah, I'll update the categories when I get a chance

Bahia, Brazil

I "tried" to change Julius category but it appears that you can't set some of them to IGT, and keep others ordered by RTA. Dragondarch is more knowledgeable on speedrun.com than me, maybe he knows how to do it. There's always the risk of getting every single run erased from the leaderboard, that's why I didn't do much. I'll save your runs in a .txt as a backup so I can try it again later. :p

United States

So I tried messing around with it, and ran in to the same problem Sambss is having. It doesn't seem possible to have it rank some categories by in game time and others by RTA. However, what I did do is just have it sort by IGT by default for all categories. For Soma runs there shouldn't be any issues so long as the IGT field is left blank for all submissions. If IGT is submitted, it should be easily editable by a mod to remove it. The only drawback here is that k0zzx dropped to 4th for Julius all bosses because he didn't submit his IGT (and it's not in the video), and neither entry for Julius Any% had it in either.

May want to add that IGT is NOT to be submitted for Soma runs in the rules for those categories, just so people know ahead of time.

(Also, to give an idea of how inaccurate SasquatchBill's emulator is, he's 24 seconds ahead of me RTA, but only 10 IGT)

Bahia, Brazil

That works pretty well Dragondarch. I added that rule for Soma runs (not submit igt).

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