Marco: "The most impossible video game ever invented."
7 years ago

After playing this game the following passage from the book gets a whole new context.

From "Animorphs - 01 - The Invasion (mid of chapter 15)": "Not really. Chapman just said that for a while longer they still have to avoid attracting too much attention. A bunch of kids start turning up dead and people will definitely notice. He said they should just wait ・kids can't keep quiet for long about seeing aliens. When the kids talk, the Controllers will find them and get rid of them." "Except that we aren't going to talk about what we saw," Rachel said. "You got that right," Marco agreed. "We aren't saying anything. We are forgetting everything we saw. We are getting on with our normal lives." "And leave Tom the way he is?" I demanded. "No way. Never. He's my brother. I'm going to save him." "Just how do you figure you'll do that?" Marco asked sarcastically. "Let's see, it's you versus Chapman, the cops, a bunch of Hork-Bajir and Taxxons, and, worst of all, that creep, Visser Three. All you can do to fight them is turn into a dog and bite their ankles. It's like being stuck in the most impossible video game ever invented." I grinned. Or at least I showed my teeth. "Yeah, it is, kind of. But I'm pretty good at video games."

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