This went WAY better than my previous run! There was a bunch of optimizations that I came up with, a bunch from the the other runners on this leaderboard, and a few that were completely accidental. Here's the general route:
Open the botttom-left door in the Button Hub
Enter Weapons Depot
Skip left with missiles
Jump over the spikes in the top-right missiles room
Get Fire
Enter Cold Storage
Use an icicle to jump up into the Ice Peter boss arena
Get Ice
Go to the left to obtain Freeze Spell
Use Ice to enter the Bird Peter boss arena
Get Bird
Get Peck Dash (could be avoided, since I don't do Wind Area anymore)
Enter Garden
Use Snail to press button instead of fruit
Use Bird to trivialize Garden's puzzles
Get Wind
Enter Wind Zone
Use Freeze Spell to freeze the propeller, then do a precise trick to ride a tornado all the way up into the antechamber beyond the Electric Peter boss fight
Get Electric
Go into the room above the antechamber, hit the checkpoint, then go back down (sometimes the statue isn't lit up for electric, but this seems to stop that from happening)
Go down into Wind Zone, then go left into the Button Hub
Enter Lab
There's a few places where you can skip combats with tricky Bird movement, but besides that it's basically a casual playthrough
During Sigma Peter fight (Scientist Phase 2): kill him on the right side so he doesn't need to maneuver over after the fight is over
During Scientist Phase 3, use Bird, and up-air at a precise time to knock his hat off right after it comes back on for a 1-cycle