Tails in 1h 01m 10s 170ms by
Таблица лидеров
Run Type
All Tails Acts NG+
Run Style

Real Time Attack
1h 01m 10s 170ms
Load Removed Time
59m 59s 490ms
Разбиения по времени
Предоставлено Splits.io
# | Имя | Раздел | Закончено в |
1 | Bridge Island 1 Золото | 1m 05s 348ms | 1m 05s 348ms |
2 | Bridge Island 2 | 1m 46s 302ms | 2m 51s 650ms |
3 | Speed Jungle 1 | 1m 29s 484ms | 4m 21s 134ms |
4 | Speed Jungle 2 Золото | 3m 21s 877ms | 7m 43s 011ms |
5 | Sky Temple | 2m 31s 342ms | 10m 14s 353ms |
6 | Pinball Carnival 1 | 1m 44s 031ms | 11m 58s 384ms |
7 | Pinball Carnival 2 Золото | 3m 05s 127ms | 15m 03s 511ms |
8 | Lagoon City 1 Золото | 1m 29s 417ms | 16m 32s 928ms |
9 | Lagoon City 2 | 2m 26s 770ms | 18m 59s 698ms |
10 | Sand Sanctuary | 3m 42s 435ms | 22m 42s 133ms |
11 | Press Factory 1 Золото | 2m 50s 588ms | 25m 32s 721ms |
12 | Press Factory 2 | 2m 48s 731ms | 28m 21s 452ms |
13 | Golden Capital 1 | 2m 32s 092ms | 30m 53s 544ms |
14 | Golden Capital 2 Золото | 5m 02s 485ms | 35m 56s 029ms |
15 | Cyber Station | 4m 42s 003ms | 40m 38s 032ms |
16 | Frozen Base 1 Золото | 2m 12s 050ms | 42m 50s 082ms |
17 | Frozen Base Tails Золото | 1m 56s 942ms | 44m 47s 024ms |
18 | Frozen Base 2 | 1m 52s 154ms | 46m 39s 178ms |
19 | Egg Fortress 1 Золото | 4m 29s 191ms | 51m 08s 369ms |
20 | Egg Fortress 2 | 10m 01s 801ms | 1h 01m 10s 170ms |
New Patch dropped! Most glitches patched out! Downpatch guide inside!
Hey all, as the title says, a new patch just dropped and most of the glitches have gotten patched out. If you had the game downloaded previously and want to run the game with all the glitches available to use make sure you have your game set to not download the new update. If you're running on Steam
Последние запуски
Уровень: Lagoon City Act 1
Уровень: Sand Sanctuary Act 1
Уровень: Lagoon City Act 2
Уровень: Lagoon City Act 1