Some questions...
7 years ago

Hello! I'm new here, thanks to the Time-Attack Roulette Marathon. After playing the game and making my first run (which I didn't record but it was a 59:39), I realized that I'm loving this game! But I have some questions...

  1. Is there any tricks I should know? Or is it just map knowledge?

  2. Are there any version differences?

  3. What would be a nice goal time?

Oh_my_gourdness нравится это
  1. Not many tricks that i can think of right off the top of my head, except for the Oob in one of the Shotgun levels and the rng manipulation on final boss. Try watching my WR run, and ask if there's anything you don't understand ^^
  2. not that i know of
  3. A nice goal with a weeks practice would be sub 35, maybe even sub 30
Отредактировано пользователем автор 7 years ago

Nice! Thank you so much! :D

Oh, and one more thing... I don't have the actual steam version... I'll be honest is one downloaded from mega... So how can I delete my ssave files without having to change name?

Отредактировано пользователем автор 7 years ago
Oh_my_gourdness нравится это

good question, since the savedata is usually located in Programs (x86) > steam > userdata > 82800351 > 368730 > remote Maybe search your C-drive for files called "collectedHats", "completedLevels" and "floatStats-0", but I'm not sure Also, you can add me on Discord if you'd like ^^

Отредактировано пользователем автор 7 years ago
Статистика игры
Последние запуски
Уровень: World 13 - Endless Runner Universe
Уровень: World 3 - Shotgun Universe
Уровень: World 8 - Straightjacket Darkness Universe
Уровень: World 1 - Crab Universe
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