ouyahhhhh 2.2 category suggestions [SPOILERS]
Rebirth% - Rescue all 8 Broadcasted Buddies, trigger the Flipo interaction in the Fanart Room Mirror, enter New Begginings and survive the Guilt Boss.
2.2 Subcategory for True Ending - There is one new badge and Good Memories is no longer a one-shot kill, so the run is different from what it used to be in 2.0-2.1
Both good ideas. Definitely need organization for game versions that change run relevant things.
Looking at this i feel like the formspire v1 and v2 categories should be put together but split by subcategories for certain versions, which also goes for the new catagories too, also rebirth speedruns will be fun to do if it gets added
Thats what I was intending with my original post
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