Опубликовано 5 days ago от

Hey! Real quick.

We've made a couple of changes to the written rules so that things are clearer and so that levels that previously didn't have rules written out now do. No rules have actually been changed. So don't worry about needing to read up on it all, it's just for clarity's sake.

Also, Bonnie Bowl has been added as a score run category. Have fun! :D

~ Petrichor

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Опубликовано 5 days ago от

Good morning everyone. I hope you're having a good day.

We've just added some new categories so you can run the new content that was added with the in-game Secret of the Mimic teaser finally!

We've added a new category called MXES% which requires you to get the new ending as quickly as possible. With a new ending also comes an update to the All Endings and 100% categories. A new subcategory has been made wherein the new ending is required for both categories to be completed on the new patch.

That's all that's new for now (and probably for the foreseeable future) Happy running! :D

~ Petrichor

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Опубликовано 1 year ago от

Hi all, hope everyone is enjoying HW2! myself and Grim are currently playing through the game casually and figuring out the ruleset, you can join the FNAF Speedrunning discord with the link on this page to discuss strats, guides etc!

Happy playing!

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Couple more changes + Bonnie Bowl added

Hey! Real quick.

We've made a couple of changes to the written rules so that things are clearer and so that levels that previously didn't have rules written out now do. No rules have actually been changed. So don't worry about needing to read up on it all, it's just for clarity's sake.

Also, B

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