Опубликовано 10 months ago от

I have now added glitchless and any% categories. Any% just means getting the smallest possible time shown at the end of an IL (using in-game strats - no ctrl i and stuff). Glitchless runs may still be submitted to any%, but glitched runs may not be submitted to glitchless. I have moved all runs at the moment into glitchless category. If you would like to also submit them to any%, please resubmit them.

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Glitchless% and Any%

I have now added glitchless and any% categories. Any% just means getting the smallest possible time shown at the end of an IL (using in-game strats - no ctrl i and stuff). Glitchless runs may still be submitted to any%, but glitched runs may not be submitted to glitchless. I have moved all runs at t

10 months ago
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