Recently a new tactic to move faster in the game (PC version) was discovered according to some reviews and questions. Discovering some interesting things, the leaderboard will go through some changes.
1° The first one is that from now on it will be MANDATORY for you to show the game FPS during your run use any program like Rivatuner Statistics Server or Fraps just to show the game FPS, because I (Mod) need to make sure you are running the game at the corresponding frame rate;
2° Was created the subcategory "PC Unlimited FPS" and renaming from "PC" to "PC 30/60 FPS" because the difference in time and route is significantly large and also to have this advantage of unlimited frame is Pay To Win (P2W) that requires a lot of your PC to have a good time.
3° It will be totally forbidden to use the unlimited frame for the Bonus% category and Individual Levels to not have injustice with other runners who have no condition, and for the leaderboard not to be polluted by subcategories because of the FPS of the game, only for the main categories that involve the entire campaign.
Soon I will update the guide, so stay tuned and read the rules.
Recently a new tactic to move faster in the game (PC version) was discovered according to some reviews and questions. Discovering some interesting things, the leaderboard will go through some changes.
- 1° The first one is that from now on it will be MANDATORY for you to show the game FPS durin