Please submit any and all glitches you find here. An explanation accompanied by a video is greatly appreciated.
Bugs and glitches I found so far:
46:42 Overclocking This is a glitch which might actually be useful for speedrunning. I called it Overclocking or OCing for short. Right as the scene transition to the final boss of Kill Screen starts I hold down on the control stick. The game still registers me as moving around in the maze. I walk into an encounter which glitches out the final boss fight making it much faster.
32:07 Breaking the music of shadowplay Probably useless. You are able to bug out the music in the second shadowplay stage by slashing a lot as the screen transitions.
I tried the Kill Screen boss glitch last night and I softlocked due to using Heal as my first action before the game recognized I was in the boss fight. So just FYI that can happen. Good find though!
One bit of tech I want to add (I will write a short guide to speedrunning the game in the coming weeks) is for Beating Heart, you can stagger your punch attack inputs to avoid the roundhouse kick that knocks the enemy to the ground (where they are immune until they stand up again), and in doing so you can basically stun lock all enemies so you can defeat them in one sequence of inputs. I currently refer to the strategy in my streams as stutter-punching.
In one of my runs, I was able to steal a bat from one of the enemies in Beating Heart. I haven't been able to figure out the inputs to replicate this again. Anyone have any ideas on how this could be done?
Very interesting! Pick-upable weapons could very well be a cut feature in the Beating Heart stage. Maybe the Bat still has properties which allows it to be picked up. I could imagine one input which used to be the pick up input might be enough. Could be frame perfect doe, maybe very specific parameters need to be met. I'll do some testing and see if I can replicate it. Do you have footage from the run?
It's not looking like I have a recording unfortunately. I honestly hadn't thought about it again until submitting last night's run, which is when the question came to mind. I'll probably spend some time next session exploring combos to try to recreate it.
Separately, in last night's run I had a flying kick with a different animation than the standard one, again something I hadn't seen before. Same story though, not sure on inputs or if it's just a proc.
Okay, so updates on those.
The "flying kick" was easy to figure out, if I'd ever stopped to read the actual in-game controls. Attack+Jump at the same time, and it could be useful if you're being surrounded, but has a long enemy recovery time like the jump kick.
For the bat, I'm thinking that it may not actually have been a bat stolen from an enemy, and that my memory isn't as good as it used to be. Tonight I did a little playing around in Beating Heart and found a couple drops where a bat could be picked up. This wasn't consistent though. Might be health-related? Or could just be buggy too, because in a couple instances I could see the bat for a frame and then it disappeared.
I'm not sure how useful the bat would actually be during the run. It's a pretty slow attack that seems to effectively do the same as a jump kick with the immediate knockdown.
I came to a similiar conclusion today regarding the bat. It seems inconsistent, wastes time and isn't all that useful. The knockdown being the main issue. It's too bad, it was a really nice find too. :(
Interesting stuff! I can't say I have seen either of these. I have noticed a few times where the game has "warped" me across the screen as a graphical error, but it's pretty minor and inconsistent. I do think Beating Heart is the one part of the run where some solid strats other than "run ahead, don't get knocked down, don't die" would help. I'll keep my eye out in future playthroughs.
Hey all! Thanks for your posts and your videos. I just started running this game and they were very helpful. I have a couple pieces of tech I'd like to share. Here's a link to my run for reference.
Beating Heart:
- I've found that doing a 3 punch combo feels faster than doing the one or two punch staggered punches. You can see me do this throughout the first 4 minutes.
- For the annoying enemies who like to swing a lot I have a theory that approaching from the lower end of the screen might help get close enough to hit them before they swing. I tried this at 3:03. It may have just been a coincidence that I didn't get hit on that approach though.
Out of the Void:
- I use my hit points strategically here. I allow the first boss to hit me with their charge attack (7:23) so that I can keep shooting them. For the second boss I do the same thing, tanking the green shot (9:25).
- In order to mash faster when shooting the bosses while stationary, I move my left thumb off of the thumbstick and alternate mashing in rythm with my right thumb. (6:33, 7:22, 9:24)
- Not a time saver, but surviving the boss became trivial when I realized you can dodge their attacks on the top platfrom by jumping (25:00). You don't even have to worry about the other platforms.
Kill Screen: (I think y'all know these I just wanted to make sure they're written down)
- Knowing the monster's exact health values can help in two ways. If you know that your next attack will kill and give a level up, you can skip heals (31:00). Also, you can save frames by attacking immediately if you know you don't need to hit with full power of an attack to finish an enemy (26:35).
I'm pretty sure I know a few of the enemy HP values by now but I plan on labbing out the rest.