Starting car and category doubts
4 years ago

Hello! I'm new to speedrunning and I've chosen to start with RotD beacuse I'm familiar with the game (I've gotten some decent times and I will be sumbitting runs soon!) Thing is, I have some doubts about whether we should be able to start with a fully modded car or not. Hear me out, Escape% and Hard% clarify on the rules than that is allowed so thats ok. But 100% doesn't and the only run starts with a fully upgraded car.

My point being, wouldn't it make sense that starting from scratch was a requirement for 100% runs? Also, maybe a category just like escape but with a clean car would be really interesting with much more strategy involved. What do you guys think?

Libonet likes this

Hi, I too am new to speedrunning and was introduced to this game a couple months ago by Jimma. I talked about this with him and we think it would be more challenging to introduce getting the car upgrades as a part of the (at least) 100% runs. It would add complexity to the decisions that are done in the run (Should I kill myself to get an upgrade and try to win back the lost seconds or keep going until I cant, which upgrades should I prioritize in any given moment of the run, etc)

CiggyRat likes this

Just to be clear, I'm ok with upgraded cars on most categories, but it really doesn't make sense on 100% since you wouldn't be starting from 0% And that said, it would be fun to have something like CleanEscape% where you start with a vanilla car and do the great escape! Just ideas that I think would improve RotD speedrunning

Libonet likes this
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