16 Level (No Skips) Strategies!
16 Level (No Skips) Strategies!
Updated 7 years ago by MaxDragonSoul

Here are some strategies to help you! General strategies are to always keep moving, turn the camera faster with the mouse to shave off some time, and jumping up hills that are moderately steep. Let's go onto the level specific strategies! Level 1 - The timer only starts when you cross the yellow line so keep your camera straight and start on the right. When you're to the right of the tree jump over the corner then jump onto the tilted platform and skip the one at the back. You should be completing this in under 22 seconds if you're very good at the game. Onto Level 2, the first skip requires you to go to the back right corner slope, and jump off to land next to the cactus. Approaching the end on the last slope, jump off of the left to skip another platform. Level 3 is pretty basic, the slope at the first corner can skip the corner platform, and a fairly precise jump from the flat platform to the hill skips the other corner platform. Level 4 has a somewhat inconsistent skip, perhaps because of my avatar choice. I'd recommend a blocky character without packages for this game. Anyway, after staying on the right and getting onto the massive hill, you can skip the first tilted platform, and on the next corner you want to wait until you're about to fall, then jump and jerk the camera right to keep yourself at a fast pace. If you get a wonky landing, just tilt the camera up the hill and you can recover. Level 5's first skip involves jumping off the second giant massive platform to skip the corner one. There's another skip that makes the other corner useless but I've only done it twice so I wouldn't recommend it. But it IS possible to go from that corner to the other. I'll put it out there. In Level Six you want to get onto the back right corner platform, but only near the edge, then jump and turn the camera to land on the lower ice next to the standard hill you would take. Level 7 is home to three skips, the first being the slope jump to skip a platform after the first section, the next straight after, skipping a corner and the last skipping the final corner. There is no specific way to do the jumps at the end as going around the outside isn't the fastest, due to us almost being able to hold forward and run. Just let go right before you touch the platform and you'll land. Reddonuts1 seems to have avoided a cut in Level 8. This is where you will go to the slope near the back left corner that stretches to the right. You should bounce off it and land on the first sewage pipe. I don't recommend going for the second as it seems to be a rather interestingly difficult task, much like the 5 Skip. Level 9 has FOUR skips you can indulge in. The first is on the first giant slope, where by jumping right near the end, you'll skip the square platform. This next one seems a bit demanding as I wasn't able to pull it off that often, but I'll put it out there. Soulcloset has found out that by jumping from the giant rectangular platform to the volcano, and jumping back onto the slope is barely faster than the standard route. On the giant hill you need another late jump to skip the left thin platform, then twisting the camera right to land on the lower part of the next platform. Level 10 interestingly doesn't have too many skips when it comes to NOT breaking the game. The only notable things are that you can skip the back right corner platform with a good jump and you should go from the building to the road at the end WITHOUT jumping to maintain speed. Level 11 isn't too good with strategies, however you CAN skip the back left corner to land near the sunken ship. In Level 12, you can miss the second horizontally thin platform and jump straight onto the slope. On the next slope, hold the jump button near the middle of it to build incredible speed up it. Then turn the camera to the right and land on the platform. Level 13 is pretty basic, the only skip is after the big jump, where you go from the platform after that jump to the grass, although it takes some accuracy. Level 14 and 15 are completely clear of skips, so thank goodness they have PROPER skips! The final level, 16, has a small skip that misses the back left corner with a well timed jump. However I recommend you try and NOT land on the edge as you can bounce and die. I did that once and regretted it. But there you have it, some strategies for the first 16 Levels!

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