So according to the rules "If a survivor disconnects whilst in a pod before freezing, it does not count as a capture." so that's probably the case. It's also possible that the run is in the wrong category too though as that has happened before. Unfortunately though, if you capture one person in record time all you can do is hope the other person leaves before you can get to them, if that wasn't the case I know a friend who would have a couple 6 second WRs.
Summary: If someone disconnects while freezing it doesn't count as a capture, that's probably why the one capture run in question appears to have 2 captures.
I hope this helped.
@NeoNinjaKat that didn't happen though. nobody rq and i submitted in the correct category
@Liamator I relooked at the video just now, let me see if this might help out. The 3rd player rescued him out of the pod and had to be captured a second time. If the player was left alone the whole time and not rescued, it would count as 20 seconds. That second player (this being Jack) never quit the game and if he was never saved during the run, it would've been 40 seconds.
Basically, if a player were to be saved during that run it would have to invalid that 20 seconds for a different time. The best examples I can put in are these two runs below. This may help you get a better understanding of it.