Doors: Entity Guide and Tricks [Hotel] [Plus]
Doors: Entity Guide and Tricks [Hotel] [Plus]
Updated 2 years ago by SirSins

Hi! Welcome back to the Doors Hotel. It's been a long while since you last checked in, but I, the receptionist, am still around, and things have changed quite a bit since ya last showed up. The rules have changes significantly in the time you've been gone, so how about an "updated" take on things?

Make sure to read the guide on the original Doors Hotel. This guide will only serve as additions to those original rules.

-= RUSH =-

  • During the final 10 rooms, Rush will wait behind you, no longer flickering the lights to signal his arrival. Instead, only the sound of his approach will warn you now.

-= AMBUSH =-

  • Nothing changed here.


  • Will now show up in rooms that have had their lights shattered by Rush.

-= HIDE =-

  • Nothing changed here.

-= HALT =-

  • Nothing changed here.

-= GLITCH =-

  • Now has the darkness helping them keep the group together. The Darkness will consume you if you get too far away from the group and are in a dark room. Functionally the same as Glitch themselves.

-= SEEK =-

  • Encounters with Seek are now more random than before. Sometimes, he won't even show up before Room 50.


  • The Figure has completely changed their behaviour at Room 100. He will hunt you down through a set of halls, while you try to find the 10 fuses for the electrics.
  • The door leading to the electrics can be lockpicked if you have one.

-= DUPE =- One of the two new additions to the Hotel. Will spawn multiple doors in rooms, some bearing incorrect nameplates. Opening a fake door will cause you to be damaged.

  • The correct nameplate is the one with the number following the door you previously entered: Entering room 55, the correct door would be 56.
  • Dupe can spawn either one fake door or two.
  • If Rush happens to attack while the door to Dupe's room is open, he will open the correct door for you. Try to bait Rush into doing this if you can by opening doors ahead of the room you're hiding in.

-= SNARE =- The second new addition to the Hotel. Only shows up during the last 10 rooms. Traps and hurts you if you walk over it.

  • Snare can be best seen with a light. It's advisable you bring one here.
  • Snare themselves aren't that deadly, it's Rush working with them that will cause your death.

-== THE ROOMS ==- ...oh, right, The Rooms, the secret legacy floor. I should probably cover that too. You can access the entrance to The Rooms by taking a hidden path that always spawns behind the closet to your right in Room 60. Flip the lever in Room 61's basement, and make sure to bring two lockpicks and a skull key. Dead teammates will be revived upon entry.

  • The Rooms grow darker as they go on. It's best to try use your regular flashlight instead of the gummy one though, as the latter needs to be shaken up, and there's plenty of batteries in The Rooms.
  • The Rooms initial exit appears at A-214.
  • You can continue past A-214 all the way to A-1000, in which you will be rewarded with a night vision tablet.
  • You can carry the Gummy Flashlight and/or Night Vision Tablet into the regular Doors should you leave the Rooms with them.

-= A-60 =- Acts very similarly to Rush. Used to be a secret entity that could only be spawned by developers, but now roams its home, The Rooms. You must hide in a (working) locker to avoid him.

  • It's not exactly known yet whether or not this entity shows up at their designated room.
  • A distorted sound indicates their arrival, but they take some time to show up. They must travel from A-001 to your location before they properly attack.
  • A-60 may occasionally give you fake sound cues.

-= A-90 =- A red face that may appear at total random on your screen. You must stand still, not do anything, until he goes away.

  • It's not exactly known yet whether or not this entity shows up at their designated room.
  • A-90 hits for 90 damage if it catches you doing anything.
  • A-90 can show up regardless of what you are doing, including hiding in a locker.

-= A-120 =- A white smiley face that approaches from in front, a thumping sound indicating its arrival. You must hide in lockers until it leaves, indicated by a whispering sound.

  • A-120 may check for you multiple times, akin to Ambush.
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