Poll: Do you play in First-Person or Third person?
2 years ago
Gyeongsangbuk, South Korea

I just wanted to see what the majority vote is on the speedrunning community.



Queensland, Australia

I play in the third person, but I play on mobile, and I reckon with mobile, it is easier on third person but on PC it is easier in first person

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

Third person.

SpaceshipEater likes this
Greater London, England

Third normally but when I feel like it I do first. Honestly, I can't tell you which one is better since they're both pretty good.

NoJi likes this

both lol and im on pc and its easier for me

Virginia, USA

Both, third person is for when i am pvping, and when im collecting emeralds, i can see around me, where the enemy went, and i fell better like that, First person for things like bridging, building, and when i fell like it LOL.

Raulpro likes this
California, USA

better with third person

KKsobure likes this

i play in first person

KKsobure likes this
Madrid, Spain


KKsobure likes this
Ontario, Canada

Either works, play how you like it!

better with 3rd person

Both building 1st, breaking bed or looking around 3rd

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After some work, me, e143 and bozai526 have managed to verify all the pending runs, thank you everyone for your patience (thanks for waiting 2 actual years for some of these to be verified). i hope you all have fun running the game.

Happy Running!

  • TemdoesSpeedruns
4 months ago