IL's , does placement mather , or just a faster IGT?
2 years ago

Technically, timewise i pbed yesterday, with a 6:39,9 igt, on Pacific Highway, but with a 4th place on the race... Is this still considered a pb, or a fail? Asking this as it isn't mentioned in the rules for IL's, unlike the complete lvl 1 5 or big game mode runs.

RaGeNyC likes this

I would think that placement is not relevent for a single race run.

Edit: On my record run for the 3D0 on Pacific Highway I finished in 12th, so it definitely does not matter.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
JwFu likes this

In Full-game runs your goal is to complete the level(s) which is marked by unlocking the next (or finishing the season if Level 5). For that you are required to qualify on each track.

For ILs of course it doesn't matter since you only want to get the fastest time on a specific track..

JwFu likes this

Thanks for clarifying , its uploaded i guess. Sorry for the work Molotok :P

Molotok likes this
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