Multiplying your wealth without acquiring new resources
Multiplying your wealth without acquiring new resources
Updated 6 years ago by Bisqwit

Idea: Multiply existing silver by constructing stuff from silver and selling them.

The category factors (trade price multipliers) for various items are as follows: — Sculptures: 1.1 — Clothing, armors, security items, recreation items, furniture: 0.7 — Weapons (melee, ranged, remote controls): 0.2 — Anything else, such as food, organs, artifacts, stone blocks: 1.0

Pretty much anything except sculptures is therefore out of window.

Sculpture stats: — Small sculpture: Takes 500 silver, market value 564.80 silver (ratio: 1.1296) — Large sculpture: Takes 1000 silver, market value 1108.00 silver (ratio: 1.108) — Grand sculpture: Takes 2200 silver, market value 2434.00 silver (ratio: 1.10636) Interesting, the smaller sculptures have a better ratio.

Quality factors: — Awful: 0.5 — Poor: 0.75 — Normal: 1.0 — Good: 1.25 — Excellent: 1.5 — Masterwork: 2.5 — Legendary: 5.0

Social skill factors (assuming 100% health): — 0: 1.0 — 1: 1.015 — 2: 1.03 — 3: 1.045 — 4: 1.06 — 5: 1.075 — 6: 1.09 — 7: 1.1 — 8: 1.12 — 9: 1.13 — 10: 1.15 — 11: 1.16 — 12: 1.18 — 13: 1.20 — 14: 1.21 — 15: 1.22 — 16: 1.24 — 17: 1.26 — 18: 1.27 — 19: 1.28 — 20: 1.3

Location factors: — Orbital: 1.0 — Visiting caravan: 1.0 — Faction base: 1.02

Trade factor = 0.6.

The selling price is: Market value × category-factor × quality-factor × trade-factor × social-multiplier × location-factor. The buying price is: Market value × quality-factor × (2−trade-factor) × (2−social-multiplier) × (2−location-factor). (The category factor is not used when buying.) For some items & traders, there may be an additional factor that manifests as a green or red price. I’m not sure how it works, but I have never seen it on anything other than consumable items like food, components and medicine.

Example: Good small silver sculpture: Cost to make: $500; Effective market value: $564.80 × 1.1 (sculpture) × 1.25 (good) = $776.60. Use level 15 social person to sell to an orbital trader: $564.80 × 1.1 × 1.25 × 0.6 (sell) × 1.22 (social) × 1.0 (orbital) = $568.47. This is rounded to $570.

Or, as a table: Sell to a visiting caravan, prices for all levels 0—9: — Awful: 185 188 190 193 196 199 201 204 207 210 — Poor: 281 285 289 293 297 302 306 310 314 318 — Normal: 373 378 384 390 395 401 406 412 418 423 — Good: 465 472 479 486 493 500 507 514 521 528 — Excellent: 558 566 574 583 591 600 608 616 625 633 — Masterwork: 931 945 959 972 986 1000 1014 1028 1042 1056 — Legendary: 1865 1892 1920 1948 1976 2004 2032 2060 2088 2116 Sell to a visiting caravan, prices for all levels 10—20: — Awful: 213 215 218 221 224 226 229 232 235 237 240 — Poor: 323 327 331 335 339 344 348 352 356 360 365 — Normal: 429 434 440 446 451 457 462 468 474 479 485 — Good: 535 542 549 556 563 570 577 584 591 598 605 — Excellent: 641 650 658 666 675 683 692 700 708 717 725 — Masterwork: 1070 1084 1098 1112 1126 1140 1154 1168 1182 1196 1210 — Legendary: 2144 2172 2200 2228 2256 2284 2312 2340 2368 2396 2424

Orbital traders give the same price as caravans visiting your colony. Wearing a cowboy hat does not affect the price.

This means that with a colony full of level 20 artists, who always produces at least “good” sculptures, and with a single level ≥6 negotiator, you can sustainably multiply your wealth without any external resources, i.e. without mining, without power generators, without raids, without growing. (Assuming you take care of your basic needs like mood, food, temperature, health, security.)

Crafting anything worse than “good” quality produces loss. For “good” quality, you need at least ≥ 5 in social to break even for small silver sculptures. For better qualities, any level of social will do, but obviously higher levels give better profit. A level 20 social gives you 30% more money than a level 0 social does, assuming 100% hearing and 100% talking.

Minimal social-factor to break even is given as: (ratio × category-factor × quality-factor × trade-factor × location-factor). This gives for small sculptures (ratio: 1.1296): — Awful,poor,normal: Nothing — Good: 1.073(level 5) for orbital/caravan, 1.052(level 4) for faction — Excellent,masterwork,legendary: Anything For large sculptures (ratio 1.108): — Awful,poor,normal: Nothing — Good: 1.094(level 7) for orbital/caravan, 1.0725(level 5) for faction — Excellent,masterwork,legendary: Anything For grand sculptures (ratio 1.10636): — Awful,poor,normal: Nothing — Good: 1.0956(level 7) for orbital/caravan, 1.0741(level 5) for faction — Excellent,masterwork,legendary: Anything

Your level 20 negotiator, when trading at your colony, gives you about 85% of the market value for sculptures (0.6×1.1×1.3). For clothing items and furniture, they get about 55% of the market value (0.6×0.7×1.3). For weapons (both melee and ranged), they get about 15% of the market value (0.6×0.2×1.3). For any other items, they get about 78% of the market value (0.6×1.0×1.3).

Visiting a faction base gives you a small 2.0% boost to the sell price (e.g. sculptures go at 0.6×1.1×1.3×1.02 = 87.5% of their market value, if you use a 20-social person).

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