Jill Any% bad ending route
Jill Any% bad ending route
Updated 9 years ago by Cosmicabuse

Probably 99% complete.

If you run HD REmaster, do the "Cold-feet cutscene" at the start of the game, instead of the usual.
(once you get control : Unequip gun; open door to Main hall TWICE; go open the regular door next to barry - triggers zombie - Take the Bronze Emblem right before going in the Piano room to do the puzzle involving it)

EMBLEM!! (Never forget) golden arrow book of curses chemical lighter + dog whistle defense dagger on the way to the dogs collar (heal if necessary) armor key GRENADE LAUNCHER richard

item box + serum (deposit : gun / knife / sword key) mask (chemical) go back to main hall through 1F save richard la pagina de partita piano (push 1) emblem stuff shield key mask (yawn) (strat?) mask (armor puzzle) save room : incendiary grenades mask (PAINTIN' puzzle) crimson head prototype - order mask : 3rd square (eyes), 5th (JB), 3th (nose), 3th (GL), 5th (mouth) STRAT = 2 normal grenades, get close, aim down, 1 normal grenade

stone & metal object Garden shed : when using stone/metal object, equip incendiary ; get taser, spray in shed. lisa's cabin crank item box (deposit : lighter, armor key) residence red book key to 001, kill zombie next to ladder in 002 key to control room push 1 / 1 / take ladder box puzzle : push 1 towards wall, push 3, push 2, finish sharkies - if you dodge an attack before the T crossing, go in the inner circle. read thing first, do puzzle Neptune skip STRAT = go "downstairs", hold up-left until 90° turn is done, hold forward, mash A

gallery insecticide spray key to 003, room 003 books : 1 ->, 2 <-, 8 <- plant 42 STRAT = go left, shoot up all grenades

helmet key mansion collapsing walls + statue puzzle room last book vol.1 generator (dagger on 1st zombie if necessary) elevator battery + acid grenades yawn fight STRAT = 3 quick shot upstairs, 1 downstairs, unequip GL

last book vol.2 red jewel main hall through 2F jewelry box in main hall garden shed through graveyard spray in garden shed use battery FIRST!!!!, crank, jewelry box puzzle right after, get in caves octo crank item box (exchange : square crank/spray , GL / knife) use octo crank + equip knife boulder black tiger STRAT = middle of the door > middle slashes

boulder statue puzzle
STRAT = 5 push, crank, 2.5 down, push until turns, push 2 more (jill turns), push until turns, 3 back (jill turns), finish tree part

go back to elevator tree puzzle (4 2 3 1) Hold up-right after elevator's cutscenes lisa easy strat
(1 & 3 hard strat = stick to right wall || 2 hard strat = release B a fraction of second right before the lever) -- See Eleval's WR on REmake Wii box puzzle (2nd part = stop when box aligns with planks on the ground) go down in corner, broken flamethrower jewelry box grab stone & metal object Metal object main hall stone/metal objects door through graveyard Lisa's fight (take Barry's gun right away) STRAT = do whatever you can -- See Eleval's WR on REmake Wii

place medallions lab --- headshots with Barry's magnum seem easier if you wait until Jill is "fully aiming" go down equip magnum/headshot corridor zombie/equip knife (faster than unequip magnum) computer 8 4 6 2 + electric key thing open both doors to break key equip magnum, headshot naked zombie, kill chimera, equip knife capsule puzzle (headshot naked zombie in fuel room) run 3 / walk 3 place capsule light generator equip magnum, shoot Tyrant, equip knife grab key, open door, leave in "new chimeras" room, go through corridor fuse sig. rockets

spam skip cutscenes Jill, you did a fine job.

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