New timing rules
1 year ago
United States

Hello Runners! Very important update for Banned footage DLCs. Salad has recently overhauled the RE7 autosplitter and the following changes and fixes are as follows -

  • Daughters has now got an autosplitter, and the timing method has been changed to reflect the IGT rather than RTA

    • The timer will start after the first movie where Zoe is watching the news
    • Good ending will now split at the dinner table immediately after the trailer
    • Bad ending will now split after you get into the car
  • Bedroom has also been changed to reflect IGT rather than RTA (There are no autosplits except the ending but they can be made if wanted)

    • The timer will start once you spawn in as Clancy when Marge first enters the room
    • The ending will split when the VHS screen pops up after escaping Marge

I will be retiming ALL the submitted DLC runs to reflect these new timing methods. It may take sometime so please bear with me till it is complete. All PC runs do NOT require the autosplitter to be portrayed on screen but is encouraged. Console runs are still timed via RTA but will be using the new starting methods too. Thank you everyone!

Edited by the author 1 year ago
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