Gun turret skip Guide (WIP)
Gun turret skip Guide (WIP)
Updated 1 year ago by Soulless_Persona

** Will eventually add Jake/Sherry stuns here. For now, I have Chris' up.

Turret 1

The skip is getting the Orgoman (giant BOW at the start of the section) to hit the first and third turret with a clap, punch, or slap down to destroy it. This saves a lot of time due to now having to wait for Fin to get over to the turret, set the bomb, and blow it up. It is enemy AI dependent and don't be discouraged if you do not get it all the time/mess it up.

FYI, you can destroy only the first and final turret with the Orgoman. The second one has to be done by Fin. Furthermore, in Solo, if your FPS is 120, it is SLOWER to destroy the third turret with Orgoman. 60 FPS is faster to have him do it.

Coop is faster to have Orgoman destroy the final turret.

Running Option:

This is a way to do it for both solo and coop, where you run up immediately, get his attention once in place, and have him hit it.

DO NOT AIM FOR THE WEAK POINT. IT WILL CAUSE A STUN. The best guns to use to get his attention are AK, handgun, magnum, and rifle. (For all characters! Jake just uses the pole of course.)

In coop, the other player would go and hide to limit as much agro on them as possible.

Positioning and getting his attention, especially if you are playing Jake/Sherry is key. He goes after whatever gives off more agro. If your positioning is off, he will have a higher chance of whiffing the turret when he tries to hit it.

Better visual on where to stand. (For all characters!!!)

Chris Stun option:

Solo or Coop

Can stun as Chris before running up. Can be done for solo/coop. Aim for the mouth or the exposed bulb on his back. FYI, better to use a weapon with either piercing, OR good stun. EX: handgun, rifle or AK. Grenade Launch IS NOT GOOD FOR THIS.

Going to show two ways because of how Orgoman acts.

This one is if Orgo is running at you (Most common cause of agro/DA)

Orgo man walks casually towards Chris

In coop, either Chris OR Piers can run up to do the Gun turret skip. The Chris player will do it after he stuns. The Piers player can run up while Chris is getting the stun off.

It is better for Piers to do the stun due to Jake and Sherry's AI following Chris

This keeps Orgo man in place but does take him a while to get up. Not bad if Chris is going up there to do the skip while Piers hides. A bit of an issue if Piers is the one going to do the Gun turret skip.


Piers Stun Option:

Solo or Coop

Same idea as the Chris stun, but Piers does it instead. Better for coop than Solo runs. The lack of a handgun/AK is a bit more difficult. Best weapons to do so: both rifles and machine pistol.

Keep at bay Option:

A Coop option. Can be done with any character. This option has the player keeping Orgoman near the area of the turret on the floor WITHOUT STUNNING.

The issue can be if Orgoman does the instant kill stomp and the player doesn't move away from the area in time. Furthermore, the ground player has to be careful with Orgoman grabs since it can lead to a stun.

Once the player performing the skip is at the top, let them gain Orgoman's attention to do the skip. The ground player goes and hides.

Once you destroy the turret, either run to the second turret and kill the Orgoman there OR kill him once the turret is destroyed and move on.

Examples of Turret 1 skip:

Run option Jake

Solo Jake Console: Solo Jake PC:

Run and Hide option Jake

Coop Jake side PC: Coop Jake side Console: Coop Sherry side Console:

Run Chris Solo Chris Console:

Turret 3 (Works for both Jake and Chris)

Destroying the final turret is about 20 seconds faster than letting Fin play it out IF Orgroman plays nice.

You get the second Ogroman that spawns to destroy the final turret with either a stomp, downward slap, OR falling on it with his hand as he dies. The final option has a VERY weird hitbox and it is UNRELIABLE. However, it is the fastest option due to not having to watch the cutscene of the BOW being killed. (Saves est 20 seconds.)


A quick summary of it is run through the underground area after destroying turret 2. Once you surface to the top again, DO NOT reset the Checkpoint. Instead, kick down the ladder, get Ogroman to get stunned by the power lines, and perform the QTE to pull out the bulb. THIS IS CRUCIAL.

If you do not do this or kill the Ogroman once you destroy the final turret, then the game will prompt you to expose them, thus wasting time.

Expose his organ, then climb up the ladder and jump to the other side of the gate. This will prompt the Ogroman to throw a truck to rid of the gate and then hang near the turret to either stomp or swing down at the turret. The killing option has you standing in a certain area in hopes of his dying animation landing on it and registering it being destroyed.


Whole process from underground to end: Orgoman dying:


Two ways to do this. Both players run underground and proceed to do the same process as mentioned in Solo besides a few different things. One player goes behind the gates while the other doesn't jump down.

The other option, which is better for 120 especially, is to have one player stay near the area up top while the other runs underground. For the going player underground, remember to kick the ladder down before going behind the gate so the other person can climb up and pull out the bulb.

Underground: Top:

If you are killing, instead of keeping him alive, then the player staying up top needs to trigger the powerlines before the underground player comes up.

Underground player if killing Ogroman: